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Task 3: Defining parameters

You add parameters to the project.

About this task

Use the following elements to create scorecard attributes:

  • Ruleset parameters

  • Automatic variables

  • The variables defined in the variable set

  • Variables defined in the scorecard precondition

Using ruleset parameters, you can set or retrieve values on a ruleset. For example, you can call a rule to calculate a score and return the calculated score to the ruleset. The code that calls the rules can get the actual score back and use it. With variables, you use the score as a local variable within the ruleset.

Now that you have imported the object model, you must provide values for the attributes to be tested in your scorecard.


To add parameters to the project:

  1. In the Rule Explorer view in Rule Designer, click the scorecard tutorial project.
  2. In the Rule Project Map view, click Define parameters in the Design box.
  3. In the Properties window, click Add.

    A new parameter is added to the Ruleset Parameters list.

  4. Set the following parameter values:
    Parameter name Value
    Name LoanApplication
    Type model.mortgage.ilog.com.LoanApplication
    Direction IN_OUT
    Default Value  
    Verbalization the loan application

    When you click the Type cell to enter the type value, the Types window opens. Enter the type value into the top text field, and then click OK.

  5. Click OK.


The new parameter LoanApplication is added to the project properties.

In the next task, you create a scorecard project that references your BOM project.

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