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Task 6: Creating a scorecard and exporting it to the rule project

You learn how to create a scorecard in the scorecard project and export it to the rule project.

About this task

In this task, you create a scorecard in the scorecard project and export it to the rule project so that the scorecard can be published to the Decision Center repository.


To create a scorecard and export it to the rule project:

  1. In the Rule Explorer view, expand the scorecardrule_tutorial project to show the rulePackage in the rules folder.
  2. Right-click the rulePackage, and select New > Scorecard Table.
  3. Type RiskScorecard as the name of the scorecard, and then click Next.
  4. On the Scorecard Model Settings page, select the scasharedBOM_tutorial check box, and then click Next.
  5. Complete the entries in the Create Scorecard wizard (go to Task 4: Adding a new scorecard to the rule project in the “Creating a simple scorecard” tutorial, and do Tasks 4 to 8 in the tutorial to make the scorecard table).

    The RiskScorecard is added to the rulePackage.

  6. In the Rule Explorer view, expand scorecardrule_tutorial > rules > rulePackage, right-click RiskScorecard, and then click Export to Technical Rules.

    The Export to Technical Rule window opens.

  7. Expand scorecardpublish_tutorial > rules > rulePackage, click RiskScorecard, and then click OK.

    The scorecard is exported to your scorecardpublish_tutorial rule project.

  8. In the Rule Explorer view, expand scorecardpublish_tutorial > rules > rulePackage > RiskScorecard.

    A technical rule exists for each attribute in the scorecard.


In the next task, you run the scorecard application in your rule project.

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