Adding the Domain metric for simulations

You run an SQL command to add a row to an existing database table.

About this task

A technology preview of the simulation feature in the Business console was provided for Operational Decision Manager V.8.6. Normally, you do not have to migrate the Decision Center database between versions 8.6 and 8.7. However, if you have the technology preview and you want to use the new Domain metric for simulations that comes in Operational Decision Manager V.8.7, follow these steps to add the metric to your Decision Center database.

The MetricKind table in the Decision Center database lists the different types of metrics that you can use in a Business console simulation. To add the domain metric to an existing database, you must run an SQL command. This command adds a row for the metric to the MetricKind table.


In SQL commands, <dbSchemaName> stands for the name of database schema where Decision Center tables are created. This argument is optional. If you use the default schema name, it does not have to be specified. Otherwise, you need to specify the relevant schema name.


  1. To check whether the new MetricKind Domain value is already available for Decision Center, run the following command:

    select VALUE, DEPRECATED from [<dbSchemaName>.]MetricKind order by VALUE ;

    You should get the values Boolean, DateTime, Numeric, and String. If Domain is also shown, there is nothing more to do.

  2. To add the Domain value, run the following command:

    INSERT INTO [<dbSchemaName>.]MetricKind (VALUE, DEPRECATED) VALUES ('Domain', 'F') ;