Rule Execution Server API

Package ilog.rules.res.model

Provides interfaces for the Rule Execution Server management model.


Interface Summary
IlrCRERulesetArchive Represents a ruleset archive that can be used by the classic rule engine.
IlrDERulesetArchive Represents a ruleset archive for the decision engine.
IlrMutableRepository The IlrMutableRepository interface represents an IlrRuleAppInformation container.
IlrMutableRuleAppInformation The IlrMutableRuleAppInformation interface represents an IlrRulesetArchiveInformation container.
IlrMutableRulesetArchiveInformation The IlrMutableRulesetArchiveInformation interface represents an IlrRulesetArchive container.
IlrRCERulesetArchive Deprecated.  
IlrRepository IlrRepository represents a read-only IlrRuleAppInformation container.
IlrRepositoryBase<E> The IlrRepositoryBase inteface represents a generic RuleApp container.
IlrRepositoryFactory The IlrRepositoryFactory interface represents the entry point for the management repository.
IlrRESRulesetArchive Represents a ruleset archive.
IlrRuleAppInformation IlrRuleAppInformation represents a read-only IlrRulesetArchiveInformation container.
IlrRuleAppInformationBase<R,E> The IlrRuleAppInformationBase interface represents a generic ruleset container.
IlrRuleAppProperties The IlrRuleAppProperties interface represents a read-only container for IlrRuleAppInformation properties.
IlrRulesetArchiveInformation IlrRulesetArchiveInformation represents a read-only IlrRulesetArchive container.
IlrRulesetArchiveInformationBase<R,E> The IlrRulesetArchiveInformationBase inteface represents a generic IlrRulesetArchive container.
IlrRulesetArchiveProperties The IlrRulesetArchiveProperties interface represents a read-only container for IlrRulesetArchiveInformation properties.
IlrRulesetParameter This interface represents a ruleset parameter.

Class Summary
IlrPath The IlrPath class represents the path to a RuleApp or a ruleset.
IlrRESRulesetArchiveFactory Use this factory class to create IlrRESRulesetArchive instances.
IlrVersion The IlrVersion class represents the version number for a RuleApp or a ruleset.

Enum Summary
IlrEngineType Represents the type of a rule engine: classic rule engine or decision engine.

Exception Summary
IlrAlreadyExistException An IlrAlreadyExistException instance is thrown to show that the RuleApp or ruleset being added already exists in the repository.
IlrFormatException An IlrFormatException instance is thrown to show that a method has been passed an argument in a wrong format.
IlrIllegalArgumentRuntimeException An IlrIllegalArgumentRuntimeException instance is thrown to show that a method has been passed an invalid or inappropriate argument.
IlrInvalidCharFormatException An IlrInvalidCharFormatException instance is thrown to show that a method has been passed an argument in a wrong format.
IlrRepositoryException An IlrRepositoryException instance is thrown when an error occurs in the repository or on the RuleApp and ruleset repository elements.
IlrRepositoryRuntimeException An IlrRepositoryRuntimeException instance is thrown when a runtime error occurs either in the repository or on a RuleApp or a ruleset stored in the repository.
IlrResourceRuntimeException An IlrResourceRuntimeException is thrown when a data access error occurs.
IlrRESRulesetArchiveCreationException This exception is thrown when an error occurs while an instance of IlrRESRulesetArchive is created.

Package ilog.rules.res.model Description

Provides interfaces for the Rule Execution Server management model.

Rule Execution Server API

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