Rule Execution Server API


Contains annotations you can use to decorate Java classes in order to modify how they are imported into a BOM.


Annotation Types Summary
BoundedIntDomain Annotation for declaring a bounded domain of integers.
BusinessName Annotation for changing the name of a parameter in the BOM.
BusinessType Annotation for changing the type of a class member or parameter in the BOM.
CollectionDomain Annotation for declaring a collection domain.
CustomProperties Annotation for setting a number of persistent properties on an IlrModelElement.
CustomProperty Annotation for setting a persistent property on an IlrModelElement.
NotBusiness Annotation for avoiding to represent a Java type or member in the BOM.
PatternDomain Annotation for declaring a pattern domain.

Package Description

Contains annotations you can use to decorate Java classes in order to modify how they are imported into a BOM.

Rule Execution Server API

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