Creating a custom ruleset extractor validator

You create a custom ruleset extractor by implementing a ruleset extractor validator interface. Ruleset extractors are based on a query and a validator class.

About this task

To define a custom ruleset extractor that selects only those rules in a rule project that you need for execution, you implement a ruleset extractor validator interface.

When you create a ruleset archive, the default behavior is to include in the archive all the rules in the project plus all the rules in any referenced rule projects. You can define ruleset extractors to select only those rules in a rule project that you need for execution. Ruleset extractors are based on a query and a validator class, coded to select the required rule artifacts and any other artifacts contained in the rule project.


To define a custom ruleset extractor validator:

Define an implementation for the interface IlrExtractorValidator.

When the ruleset is extracted, the method IlrExtractorValidator.accept(IlrElement) is called for all the elements of your rule project. The Boolean result of this method determines whether or not the extractor selects the element for execution.


When you implement a custom ruleset extractor validator, you must integrate it into Rule Designer and Decision Center.

Integration into Rule Designer

Integration into Decision Center

Create a Rule Designer plug-in that has an extractor validator extension point.

Integrating a custom ruleset extractor validator into Rule Designer

Sample: Ruleset extraction

Repackage the Decision Center archive to integrate and declare the ruleset extractor validator.

Integrating a custom ruleset extractor validator into Decision Center

Sample: Ruleset extraction from Decision Center