Query conditions

In the condition part of a query, you specify the type of project element that you want to search and, if applicable, the “such that” filters to apply to the selected project elements.

When you write a query condition, you start by selecting a project element type, then you refine the search by filtering on the project element properties, definition, or semantic content.

By default, queries are run on business rules, but you can also search on other project elements:

After you have selected the project element that you want to query, you can refine the query by adding a filter in the form of a such that statement, followed by an appropriate condition statement, or statements. The statements available for you to select depend on the type of project element that you have chosen and on the elements defined in the BOM.


Find all ruleflows
   such that each ruleflow is in package "accounts"


Find all business rules
   such that the effective date of each business rule is after 3/31/2012

You can further refine queries by specifying more than one statement:

Find all business rules
   such that the effective date of each business rule is after 3/31/2012
   and the effective date of each business rule is before 4/30/2012
Note: Queries on rule artifacts such as “Find all rule artifacts” do not include functions.