Decision Center API

Class IlxWMessageList

  extended by ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWContainer
      extended by ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWComponent
          extended by ilog.webui.dhtml.components.IlxWMessageList
All Implemented Interfaces:
ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWConstants, ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWCSSModelProvider, ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWDependencyProvider, ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWJSObject, Serializable

public class IlxWMessageList
extends IlxWComponent

Class for message lists.
Message List is a simple web component which can display a list of text messages and pop up message boxes when loaded on a web browser.

The message list manages an internal list of simple messages and an internal list of alert messages. When displayed on the web browser, the message list displays an HTML table with the list of simple messages and pops up a message box for each alert message. Once displayed, the alert message internal list is cleared.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWComponent
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWContainer
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addAlert(String message)
          Adds an alert message to the existing list.
 void addMessage(String text)
          Adds a text message to the component.
 void clear()
          Clear the message list.
protected  void printComponent(IlxWPort port)
          Prints the HTML code that will display the graphical representation of this component.
Methods inherited from class ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWComponent
addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, detach, doPrint, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, getName, getRealHtmlTagName, getStyle, invalidate, isInvalidated, notifyDependencies, print, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, setName, validate
Methods inherited from class ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWContainer
add, add, getAttribute, getAttributeNames, getComponent, getComponentCount, getComponentNamed, getComponents, getManager, getParent, getUserAgentRules, indexOf, isAncestorOf, remove, remove, removeAll, removeAttribute, setAttribute, setAuthorRules, setFinalizer
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public IlxWMessageList()
Method Detail


protected void printComponent(IlxWPort port)
                       throws IOException
Description copied from class: IlxWComponent
Prints the HTML code that will display the graphical representation of this component. This method is called by the IlxWComponent.print(ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWPort) method.

Specified by:
printComponent in class IlxWComponent
port - The port on which the component will be printed.
See Also:


public void clear()
Clear the message list. This will remove all existing messages.


public void addMessage(String text)
Adds a text message to the component.

text - The message to add.


public void addAlert(String message)
Adds an alert message to the existing list. Next time the component is displayed on the web browser, it will pop up a message box displaying the message. Once displayed on the client, the alert message is removed from the component.

message - The message to add.

Decision Center API

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