Decision Center API

Class IlxWCheckBoxMenuItem

  extended by ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWContainer
      extended by ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWComponent
          extended by ilog.webui.dhtml.components.IlxWMenuItem
              extended by ilog.webui.dhtml.components.IlxWCheckBoxMenuItem
All Implemented Interfaces:
ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWConstants, ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWCSSModelProvider, ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWDependencyProvider, ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWJSObject, Serializable

public class IlxWCheckBoxMenuItem
extends IlxWMenuItem

A menu item that can be selected or deselected. If selected, the menu item typically appears with a check mark next to it. If unselected or deselected, the menu item appears without a check mark. Like a regular menu item, a check box menu item can have either text or a graphic icon associated with it, or both.

See Also:
IlxWMenuBar, Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWComponent
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWContainer
Constructor Summary
          Creates an initially unselected checkboxMenuItem with no set text or icon.
IlxWCheckBoxMenuItem(String text)
          Creates an initially unselected checkboxMenuItem with text.
IlxWCheckBoxMenuItem(String text, boolean b)
          Creates a check box menu item with the specified text and selection state.
IlxWCheckBoxMenuItem(String text, String icon)
          Creates an initially unselected checkboxMenuItem with the specified text and icon.
IlxWCheckBoxMenuItem(String text, String icon, boolean b)
          Creates a check box menu item with the specified text, icon, and selection state.
Method Summary
 boolean isSelected()
          Returns the selected state of the check box menu item.
 void setEnabled(boolean b)
          Enables (or disables) the menu item.
 void setSelected(boolean b)
          Sets the selected-state of the check box menu item.
Methods inherited from class ilog.webui.dhtml.components.IlxWMenuItem
getAction, getIcon, getText, isEnabled, isRoot, notifyDependencies, printComponent, setAction, setIcon, setText
Methods inherited from class ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWComponent
addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, detach, doPrint, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, getName, getRealHtmlTagName, getStyle, invalidate, isInvalidated, print, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, setName, validate
Methods inherited from class ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWContainer
add, add, getAttribute, getAttributeNames, getComponent, getComponentCount, getComponentNamed, getComponents, getManager, getParent, getUserAgentRules, indexOf, isAncestorOf, remove, remove, removeAll, removeAttribute, setAttribute, setAuthorRules, setFinalizer
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public IlxWCheckBoxMenuItem()
Creates an initially unselected checkboxMenuItem with no set text or icon.


public IlxWCheckBoxMenuItem(String text)
Creates an initially unselected checkboxMenuItem with text.

text - The text of the check box menu item.


public IlxWCheckBoxMenuItem(String text,
                            String icon)
Creates an initially unselected checkboxMenuItem with the specified text and icon.

text - The text of the menu item.
icon - The icon of the menu item.


public IlxWCheckBoxMenuItem(String text,
                            boolean b)
Creates a check box menu item with the specified text and selection state.

text - The text of the check box menu item.
b - The selected state of the check box menu item.


public IlxWCheckBoxMenuItem(String text,
                            String icon,
                            boolean b)
Creates a check box menu item with the specified text, icon, and selection state.

text - The text of the check box menu item.
icon - The icon of the check box menu item.
b - The selected state of the check box menu item.
Method Detail


public void setSelected(boolean b)
Sets the selected-state of the check box menu item.


public void setEnabled(boolean b)
Description copied from class: IlxWMenuItem
Enables (or disables) the menu item.

setEnabled in class IlxWMenuItem


public boolean isSelected()
Returns the selected state of the check box menu item.

true if the check box menu item is selected, false if it is not.

Decision Center API

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