Decision Center API

Class IlrDTWTableView

  extended by ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWContainer
      extended by ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWComponent
          extended by ilog.rules.webui.dtable.IlrDTWTableView
All Implemented Interfaces:
ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWConstants, ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWCSSModelProvider, ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWDependencyProvider, ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWJSObject, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class IlrDTWTableView
extends IlxWComponent

General component holding a decision table.

This component also makes the connection between a decision table and its editor. It is in charge of displaying the table itself, but the editor is just used as a reference; it should be displayed by a separate component.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWComponent
Field Summary
static ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWCSSDescriptor cssDescriptor
static ilog.webui.dhtml.css.CSSModel cssModel
Fields inherited from class ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWContainer
Constructor Summary
IlrDTWTableView(ilog.rules.dt.IlrDTController dtController)
           Creates a new IlrDTWTableView over the specified table and editor.
IlrDTWTableView(ilog.webui.dhtml.components.IlxWPanel targetPanel, ilog.rules.dt.IlrDTController dtController)
          Deprecated. use other constructor
Method Summary
 void setInlineCSS(String css)
 void setOnSubmitHook(ilog.rules.webui.dtable.IlrDTWTable.Hook hook)
          Adds a hook that will be called when the user clicks on the 'SUBMIT' button, after the value is changed in the model
 void setOnValueChange(ilog.rules.webui.dtable.IlrDTWTable.Hook hook)
          Adds a hook that will be called when the user changes the edited value.
 void setPreSubmitHook(ilog.rules.webui.dtable.IlrDTWTable.Hook hook)
          Adds a hook that will be called when the user clicks on the 'SUBMIT' button, before the value is changed in the model (the hook can perform some value checking for instance).
Methods inherited from class ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWComponent
addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, detach, doPrint, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, getName, getRealHtmlTagName, getStyle, invalidate, isInvalidated, notifyDependencies, print, printComponent, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, setName, validate
Methods inherited from class ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWContainer
add, add, getAttribute, getAttributeNames, getComponent, getComponentCount, getComponentNamed, getComponents, getManager, getParent, getUserAgentRules, indexOf, isAncestorOf, remove, remove, removeAll, removeAttribute, setAttribute, setAuthorRules, setFinalizer
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static ilog.webui.dhtml.css.CSSModel cssModel


public static ilog.webui.dhtml.IlxWCSSDescriptor cssDescriptor
Constructor Detail


public IlrDTWTableView(ilog.webui.dhtml.components.IlxWPanel targetPanel,
                                  ilog.rules.dt.IlrDTController dtController)
Deprecated. use other constructor

Creates a editable view for the decision table

targetPanel - not used
dtController - the dtController of the edited table


public IlrDTWTableView(ilog.rules.dt.IlrDTController dtController)

Creates a new IlrDTWTableView over the specified table and editor.

dtController - The table definition to edit.
Method Detail


public void setOnSubmitHook(ilog.rules.webui.dtable.IlrDTWTable.Hook hook)
Adds a hook that will be called when the user clicks on the 'SUBMIT' button, after the value is changed in the model

hook - The hook.
See Also:


public void setPreSubmitHook(ilog.rules.webui.dtable.IlrDTWTable.Hook hook)
Adds a hook that will be called when the user clicks on the 'SUBMIT' button, before the value is changed in the model (the hook can perform some value checking for instance).

hook - The hook.
See Also:


public void setOnValueChange(ilog.rules.webui.dtable.IlrDTWTable.Hook hook)
Adds a hook that will be called when the user changes the edited value.

hook - The hook.
See Also:


public void setInlineCSS(String css)

Decision Center API

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