Decision Center API

Package ilog.rules.teamserver.model.permissions

Classes and interfaces that represent the Decision Center permission data and services.


Interface Summary
IlrPermission Represents a permission, with a class and a value.
IlrPermissionConstants Permissions constants.
IlrPermissionsFacility A set of methods to query and edit Decision Center permissions.

Class Summary
IlrSecurityProfileData Represents a security profile for a given user.

Exception Summary
IlrPermissionException Exception thrown when trying to perform an operation that is prevented by a user permission.
IlrRoleRestrictedPermissionException A permission exception thrown during an operation that requires the user to have a specific list of roles.

Package ilog.rules.teamserver.model.permissions Description

Classes and interfaces that represent the Decision Center permission data and services.

The IlrPermissionFacility class from which ilog.rules.teamserver.model.IlrSession depends, provides a set of methods to create and manipulate those permissions.

Decision Center API

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