Decision Center API

Interface IlrTestingFacility

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface IlrTestingFacility

Testing services for a Decision Center session, allowing to execute and generate a test suite or simulation archive.

See Also:

Method Summary
 IlrElementHandle executeScenarioSuite(IlrElementHandle scenarioSuite, IlrElementHandle server, List<String> options)
          Executes the scenario suite (test suite or simulation) using the specified server and returns a handle on a IlrScenarioSuiteReport.
 IlrArchiveOutput generateScenarioSuiteArchive(IlrElementHandle scenarioSuite)
          Generates a DVS archive for the given scenario suite (test Suite or simulation).

Method Detail


IlrElementHandle executeScenarioSuite(IlrElementHandle scenarioSuite,
                                      IlrElementHandle server,
                                      List<String> options)
                                      throws IlrApplicationException
Executes the scenario suite (test suite or simulation) using the specified server and returns a handle on a IlrScenarioSuiteReport. The RES server specified is passed to the IlrSSPResolver to get the URL of the SSP server that will execute the scenario suite. The IlrSSPResolver implementation is specified in the RTS preferences with the key teamserver.defaultSSPResolver.class. The options list will be used to save in the Decision Warehouse the specified execution traces, and will be available in the report. The complete list of options come from IlrScenarioFormatDescriptor.ExecutionDetails.

IlrApplicationException - If an error occurs during the execution of the scenario suite.
scenarioSuite - The handle on the scenario suite to execute.
server - The handle on the RES server used to retrieve the SSP server.
options - The list of options that will be used to save in the Decision Warehouse the specified execution traces.
A handle on an IlrScenarioSuiteReport.


IlrArchiveOutput generateScenarioSuiteArchive(IlrElementHandle scenarioSuite)
                                              throws IlrApplicationException
Generates a DVS archive for the given scenario suite (test Suite or simulation).

IlrApplicationException - If an error occurs during the generation of the DVS archive.
scenarioSuite - The handle on the scenario suite used to generate the archive.
An archive output.
See Also:
IlrDeploymentFacility.generateRulesetArchive(IlrSearchCriteria, String, String)

Decision Center API

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