Connecting to an external database component

You can connect a Decision Center component or a Decisions component to an existing DB2® or Oracle database component from IBM® PureApplication System.

About this task

An existing DB2 database component represents a connection to a DB2 database instance that is running outside of the pattern that you are building. You can use the configuration properties to make a connection to the external DB2 database. An existing Oracle database component represents a connection to an Oracle database instance that is running outside of the pattern that you are building. You can use the configuration properties to make a connection to the external Oracle database.


In the Virtual Application Builder window, complete the following steps.

  1. In the left panel of the window, expand the IBM ODM Database Components list of assets.
  2. Select the component External IBM ODM Database and drag it in the canvas.
  3. Link the Decision Center and Decisions components to the External IBM ODM Database component. To make a connection between an application component and the external database, hover over the blue circle on the External IBM ODM Database component in the canvas. When the blue circle turns yellow, draw a connection between the existing database and the application component
  4. Edit the External IBM ODM Database properties in the right panel of the window as needed.
  5. Save and deploy the pattern.


When the pattern is deployed and the resulting virtual application instance is running, your IBM ODM server is connected to the database