Rule Execution Server API

Class IlrContext

  extended by ilog.rules.engine.IlrContext
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class IlrContext
extends Object
implements Serializable

IlrContext is the base class of all the execution contexts. Rules can be executed only within an execution context.


In IBM Decision server, the rule engine is an instance of IlrContext, the rule engine is simply a Java object.

An IlrContext instance is always attached to an IlrRuleset. If the context is created without a ruleset passed as an argument, it creates its own ruleset.

An IlrContext instance contains all the methods required to control the rule engine. IlrRuleset is responsible for rule management, IlrContext is responsible for rule execution.

Code example

The following code example:

  1. Creates an IlrContext object from the MyRuleset.irl.
  2. Retrieves a rule task runner from the rule task descriptor of MyRuleTask.
  3. Executes the Initial Actions, the body, and the Final Actions.
   IlrRuleset ruleset = new IlrRuleset();
   IlrContext ctxt = new IlrContext(ruleset);   
   MyIterator it = new MyIterator();
   IlrParameterMap params = new IlrParameterMap();
   IlrTask task = ruleset.getTask("MyRuleTask");
   IlrRuleTaskRunner runner = ctxt.getRuleTaskRunner(task);
   int fired = 0;
   fired += runner.runBody();

Deprecations and warnings

Since version 5.0, the derivation of IlrContext has been deprecated. You should use ruleset variables to add new fields to the execution context.

An execution context is serializable.

Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of IBM Decision Server.

See Also:
IlrRuleset, Serialized Form

Field Summary
static String firedRulesCountConstant
          Deprecated. use instead IlrPropertyNames.FIRED_RULES_COUNT
 PrintWriter out
          Deprecated. As of ODM 8.0.1, the method note(String) should be used
Constructor Summary
          Deprecated. As of JRules 7.1, this way of constructing a context with an empty ruleset is deprecated. See other constructors for replacement.
IlrContext(IlrRuleset ruleset)
          Constructs an IlrContext with an IlrRuleset object.
IlrContext(IlrRuleset ruleset, dcf)
Method Summary
 void activatePacket(String packet)
 void activateRule(IlrRule rule)
 void activateRules(IlrRule[] rules)
 void addNoteHandler(IlrNoteHandler handler)
          Adds a note handler to the context.
 Object assertLogical(Object object)
          Deprecated. As of IBM Decision Server 8.0.1, truth maintenance system is deprecated.
 void cleanRulesetVariables()
          Resets the values of the ruleset variables: either the 'in' parameters, or the 'out' or the local variables.
 int connectTool(IlrTool tool)
          Connects an IlrTool to the context.
 int connectTool(IlrToolFactory toolFactory)
          Connects an IlrTool created by an IlrToolFactory to the context.
 int connectTool(IlrToolFactory toolFactory, String name)
          Connects an IlrTool created by an IlrToolFactory to the context.
 void deactivatePacket(String packet)
 void deactivateRule(IlrRule rule)
 void deactivateRules(IlrRule[] rules)
 void disconnectTool(int toolID)
          Disconnects a connected IlrTool.
 void disconnectTools()
          Disconnects all connected IlrTool.
 void end()
          Prepares this context for garbage collection.
 void endCurrentTask()
           Ends the context's current task by executing its potential final actions and declaring it as Completed.
 Enumeration enumerateInstances()
           Enumerates all the rule instances currently in the agenda of the context, without changing the contents of the agenda.
 Enumeration enumerateObjects()
           Enumerates all the objects in working memory of the context without any discrimination on their types.
 IlrParameterMap execute()

Executes the ruleflow defined in the context's ruleset.

 IlrParameterMap execute(String name)
           Executes the task passed as the argument.
 void executeInitialRule()
 Object executeMain(Object arg)
          Invokes the ilrmain function with an argument.
 Object executeMain(String pkgName, Object arg)
          Invokes the ilrmain function of the specified package with an argument.
 IlrParameterMap executeTask()

Provides a step-by-step execution of the ruleflow.

 int fireAllRules()
           Fires all the rules in the agenda.
 int fireAllRules(IlrAgendaFilter filter)
           Fires all the rules in the agenda using an agenda filter.
 IlrRuleInstance fireRule()
           Fires the rule in the agenda that has the highest priority.
 IlrRuleInstance fireRule(IlrAgendaFilter filter)
           Fires the next rule instance in the agenda that passes the filter.
 int fireRules(IlrRule[] rules)
           Adds the rules passed as its argument to the context, fires all the rules in the agenda, and removes the rules that were passed as its argument.
 IlrRule[] getActivatedRules()
 int getConnectedToolNumber()
          Gives the number of connected IlrTool(s) to the context.
 IlrTask getCurrentTask()

Returns the task that is currently executing or the task that is in a suspended state in the ruleflow.

static IlrNoteHandler getDefaultNoteHandler()
          Returns the default note handler.
 IlrEvent getEvent(Object object)
          Deprecated. As of IBM Decision Server 7.5, event processing is deprecated.
 IlrExceptionHandler getExceptionHandler()
          Gets the exception handler of this execution context.
 IlrRuleInstance getFirstInstance()
           Gets the first rule instance of the agenda.
 IlrTask getMainTask()

Returns the task defined as the main task in the context's ruleset ruleflow.

 Object[] getObjects(IlrClass clazz)
           Gets all the objects in working memory that are instances of the passed XOM class.
 Object getParameterValue(String name)
          Gets the value of the ruleset parameter.
 IlrParameterMap getReturnValues()

Returns the values of the "out" ruleset variables (those defined either with the "inout" or "out" modifier).

 IlrRuleset getRuleset()
          Gets the ruleset to which the context is attached.
 IlrTask getTask(String name)

Returns the task defined in the ruleflow and whose name is the one passed as the parameter.

 boolean hasInstances(IlrRule rule)
           Tests whether the agenda contains instances of a rule.
 void insert(Object object)
          Inserts the object passed as the argument.
 IlrEvent insertEvent(long timestamp, Object object)
          Deprecated. As of IBM Decision Server 7.5, event processing is deprecated.
 IlrEvent insertEvent(Object object)
          Deprecated. As of IBM Decision Server 7.5, event processing is deprecated.
 Object insertLogical(Object object)
          Deprecated. As of IBM Decision Server 8.0.1, truth maintenance system is deprecated.
 Object invokeFunction(String name, Object[] arguments)
          Invokes a function of the context giving its name and the argument values.
 boolean isAgendaNotEmpty()
           Tests whether the agenda contains at least one fireable rule instance.
 boolean isCacheRuleflowData()
           Tests whether or not the ruleflow data is cached when resetRuleflow() is called.
 boolean isRuleActivated(IlrRule rule)
 boolean isRuleflowCompleted()

Tests whether the ruleflow execution is completed, which means that the ruleflow execution is not interrupted because of either a suspended task or a task by task execution.

 boolean isRuleSelected(IlrRule rule)
           Tests whether the rule is selected to be part of the executable rules.
 boolean isTaskCompleted(String name)

Tests whether the specified task is completed.

 boolean isUsingFlow()

Returns a boolean to indicate whether a ruleflow has been defined in the context's ruleset.

 long nextTime()
          Deprecated. As of IBM Decision Server 7.5, event processing is deprecated.
 long nextTime(long increment)
          Deprecated. As of IBM Decision Server 7.5, event processing is deprecated.
 void note(String note)
          Sends a note to the context's note handlers.
 void refreshAgenda()
           Adds in the agenda all the rule instances that have been refracted.
 void removeAllInstances()
           Removes all the instances currently in the agenda without firing them.
 void removeAllNoteHandlers()
          Removes all note handlers from the context.
 void removeInstance(IlrRuleInstance instance)
           Removes a particular rule instance from the agenda.
 void removeInstances(IlrRule rule)
           Removes all the instances of a rule currently in the agenda without firing them.
 void removeNoteHandler(IlrNoteHandler handler)
          Removes a note handler from the context.
 void reset()
          Called by Rule Studio to prepare a context for another execution.
 void resetRuleflow()
          Resets ruleflow execution in the context.
 void retract(Object object)
          Retracts an object from working memory, if the object has been asserted.
 void retractAll()
           Retracts all the objects from working memory.
 void retractEvent(Object object)
          Deprecated. As of IBM Decision Server 7.5, event processing is deprecated.
 void send(Object object)
          Throws an IlrUserActionException exception.
 void send(String message, Object object)
          Throws an IlrUserActionException exception using a message and an object.
 void setCacheRuleflowData(boolean cache)
           Sets whether or not to keep the cached ruleflow data when resetRuleflow() is called.
 void setExceptionHandler(IlrExceptionHandler handler)
          Sets the exception handler of this execution context.
 void setMainTask(String name)

Sets the ruleflow main task by giving its name.

 void setParameters(IlrParameterMap parameters)

Sets the values of the declared ruleset variables contained in the passed IlrParameterMap (defined either with the "in" or "inout" modifier).

 void setParameterValue(String name, Object value)
          Sets the value of the ruleset parameter.
 void setRuleflowExceptionHandler(IlrExceptionHandler handler)

Sets the exception handler responsible for catching runtime exceptions thrown during the execution of a ruleflow.

 void setTime(long time)
          Deprecated. As of IBM Decision Server 7.5, event processing is deprecated.
 long time()
          Deprecated. As of IBM Decision Server 7.5, event processing is deprecated.
 void update(Object object)
           Updates an object in working memory, if the object has been asserted.
 void update(Object object, boolean refresh)
           Updates an object in working memory if the object has been asserted.
 void updateContext()
           Updates the references to the context object.
 void updateContext(boolean refresh)
          Updates references to the context object to ensure that the agenda is in a consistent state with the objects referenced by this context.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public transient PrintWriter out
Deprecated. As of ODM 8.0.1, the method note(String) should be used
This field is intended to be used in rules to print errors or messages. It is initialized to a PrintWriter which prints to System.out. The destination, of course, can be changed. This field provides an easy way to redirect the printing of messages.


public static String firedRulesCountConstant
Deprecated. use instead IlrPropertyNames.FIRED_RULES_COUNT
This constant is the key used in the parameter map returned by the execute and getReturnValues methods to store the number of rules fired during this execution. Its value is ilog.rules.firedRulesCount.

Constructor Detail


public IlrContext()
Deprecated. As of JRules 7.1, this way of constructing a context with an empty ruleset is deprecated. See other constructors for replacement.

Constructs an IlrContext with no argument. This method creates an empty IlrRuleset attached to the context. The ruleset can then be obtained using the getRuleset() method.

The creation of a context, ordinarily fires the Initial Actions. Since this constructor creates its own ruleset, and the ruleset has no rules initially, then there is no Initial Actions to fire.

See Also:


public IlrContext(IlrRuleset ruleset)
Constructs an IlrContext with an IlrRuleset object. The ruleset must have the same context class as the created context. If not, an IlrBadContextException is thrown.

If the ruleset has an Initial Action, and if the instance being constructed is a direct instance of IlrContext, the action is executed. In the case that the context is derived, the user must call executeInitialRule() explicitly in the body of the derived class constructor, after all the fields have been initialized.

ruleset - The ruleset to which the context is attached.
See Also:


public IlrContext(IlrRuleset ruleset,
Method Detail


public int connectTool(IlrTool tool)
                throws IlrToolConnectionException
Connects an IlrTool to the context. An IlrToolConnectionException is thrown if the connection fails.

tool - The IlrTool to connect.
the connected IlrTool's identifier.
See Also:
IlrTool, IlrToolConnectionException


public int connectTool(IlrToolFactory toolFactory)
                throws IlrToolConnectionException
Connects an IlrTool created by an IlrToolFactory to the context. An IlrToolConnectionException is thrown if the connection fails.

toolFactory - The IlrToolFactory used to create a new IlrTool.
the connected IlrTool's identifier.
See Also:
IlrTool, IlrToolConnectionException, IlrLocalTracerToolFactory, ilog.rules.debug.IlrBuilderToolFactory


public int connectTool(IlrToolFactory toolFactory,
                       String name)
                throws IlrToolConnectionException
Connects an IlrTool created by an IlrToolFactory to the context. An IlrToolConnectionException is thrown if the connection fails.

toolFactory - The IlrToolFactory used to create a new IlrTool.
name - A user context name. This name can be used by each created IlrTool to identify the context.
the connected IlrTool's identifier.
See Also:
IlrTool, IlrToolConnectionException, IlrLocalTracerToolFactory, ilog.rules.debug.IlrBuilderToolFactory


public int getConnectedToolNumber()
Gives the number of connected IlrTool(s) to the context.

the number of connected IlrTool(s).


public void disconnectTool(int toolID)
Disconnects a connected IlrTool.

toolID - The IlrTool's identifier.


public void disconnectTools()
Disconnects all connected IlrTool.


public void note(String note)
Sends a note to the context's note handlers.

When a context is created, a default note handler is set (see getDefaultNoteHandler(). This default note handler may be removed by a call to removeAllNoteHandlers(). Other note handlers may be added by calling addNoteHandler(IlrNoteHandler).

This method is multi-thread safe at the context level, yet the note handlers that are called may not be multi-thread safe themselves.

JRules 7.0
note - The note.


public void addNoteHandler(IlrNoteHandler handler)
Adds a note handler to the context. This method is multi-thread safe.

JRules 7.0
handler - The note handler.
See Also:
note(String), removeNoteHandler(IlrNoteHandler), removeAllNoteHandlers()


public void removeNoteHandler(IlrNoteHandler handler)
Removes a note handler from the context. This method is multi-thread safe.

JRules 7.0
handler - The note handler.
See Also:
note(String), addNoteHandler(IlrNoteHandler), removeAllNoteHandlers()


public void removeAllNoteHandlers()
Removes all note handlers from the context. This method is multi-thread safe. After this method, calling note(String) has no effect.

JRules 7.0
See Also:
note(String), addNoteHandler(IlrNoteHandler), removeNoteHandler(IlrNoteHandler), removeAllNoteHandlers()


public static IlrNoteHandler getDefaultNoteHandler()
Returns the default note handler. The default note handler printlns the notes to the context's out.

JRules 7.0
See Also:


public final IlrRuleset getRuleset()
Gets the ruleset to which the context is attached.

the ruleset to which the context is attached.


public final void end()
Prepares this context for garbage collection. After this call, the engine will not keep any reference to this context. The context will be detached from the ruleset and will no longer be notified of modifications on the rules. The context will also disconnect all its tools and all the related resources will be released. If the application does not keep this object, it is then subject to garbage collection.


public void reset()
Called by Rule Studio to prepare a context for another execution. When a context is debugged in Rule Studio, and when the user chooses reset, Rule Studio calls this method to make the context ready for another run. By default, this method is defined as:

 public synchronized void reset() {

A derived context class may override this method to perform additional preparations for the execution of the context.


public void send(Object object)
          throws IlrUserActionException
Throws an IlrUserActionException exception. This method is intended to be used in a rule action to exit from the firing loop. The method can catch the exception and process the result. An object is passed along with the exception. It may contain a result or the cause.

object - The object used to construct the exception.
See Also:


public void send(String message,
                 Object object)
          throws IlrUserActionException
Throws an IlrUserActionException exception using a message and an object.

message - The message used to construct the exception.
object - The object used to construct the exception.
See Also:


public final IlrExceptionHandler getExceptionHandler()
Gets the exception handler of this execution context. At its creation, an execution context has no exception handler.

an exception handler, or null if no exception handler has been set.


public void setExceptionHandler(IlrExceptionHandler handler)
Sets the exception handler of this execution context. An exception handler is an object implementing Note that the exception handler mechanism is restricted to the tasks running the Rete+ algorithm. Even if set, the exception handler will not be called from a task running the Sequential algorithm or the Fastpath algorithm.

handler - The new exception handler for this context. If this parameter is null, the context will be set without an exception handler.


public void executeInitialRule()

Executes the Initial Actions of the ruleset to which the context is attached, if any. If there is an Initial Action when the context is created, and if the constructed context is a direct instance of IlrContext, the action(s) is/are automatically executed.


public Object invokeFunction(String name,
                             Object[] arguments)
                      throws IlrNoSuchFunctionException
Invokes a function of the context giving its name and the argument values. The error messages are written to the standard output of the context.

IlrNoSuchFunctionException - in case the function is not known.
name - The function name.
arguments - The argument array.
the result of this invocation. If the invoked function is void, this method returns null.


public Object executeMain(Object arg)
                   throws IlrNoSuchFunctionException
Invokes the ilrmain function with an argument.

IlrNoSuchFunctionException - if the ilrmain is not defined.
arg - The argument of the function.
the result of this invocation. If the invoked function is void, this method returns null.


public Object executeMain(String pkgName,
                          Object arg)
                   throws IlrNoSuchFunctionException
Invokes the ilrmain function of the specified package with an argument.

IlrNoSuchFunctionException - if the ilrmain is not defined in this package.
arg - The argument of the function.
the result of this invocation. If the invoked function is void, this method returns null.


public final long time()
Deprecated. As of IBM Decision Server 7.5, event processing is deprecated.

Gets the time of the engine. A rule engine runs a time counter used to trigger the watchdogs and the event conditions. The time counter is driven by the application using the methods of this class.

the current time.
See Also:
nextTime(), nextTime(long), setTime(long)


public final long nextTime()
Deprecated. As of IBM Decision Server 7.5, event processing is deprecated.

Increments the time by one unit.

the time of the engine after the increment has been done.
See Also:
time(), nextTime(long), setTime(long)


public final long nextTime(long increment)
Deprecated. As of IBM Decision Server 7.5, event processing is deprecated.

Changes the time using an increment.

increment - A positive time increment.
the time of the engine after the increment has occurred.
See Also:
time(), nextTime(), setTime(long)


public final void setTime(long time)
Deprecated. As of IBM Decision Server 7.5, event processing is deprecated.

Sets the time of the engine. The time passed as the argument must be greater than the current time.

time - The new time of the engine.
See Also:
time(), nextTime(), nextTime(long)


public void insert(Object object)
Inserts the object passed as the argument. If the object implements the IlrEvent interface, it is inserted as an event; its timestamp is obtained by calling the time method specified by this interface. If the object is already in working memory, a normal update is performed.

object - The object to insert.


public Object insertLogical(Object object)
Deprecated. As of IBM Decision Server 8.0.1, truth maintenance system is deprecated.

Inserts a logical object. The engine first examines the objects in working memory to find one that is equal to the object passed as the argument using the equals method. If such an object is found, the passed object is not inserted and the object in working memory is returned. If no such object is found, the provided object is inserted and returned. In both cases, the object in working memory is stated: it is not maintained by any rule.

object - The logical object to be inserted.
the object if no matching object has been found. If there is a matching object, it is returned.


public Object assertLogical(Object object)
Deprecated. As of IBM Decision Server 8.0.1, truth maintenance system is deprecated.

An alias for insertLogical(Object) method.

object - The logical object to be inserted.
the object if no matching object has been found. If there is a matching object, it is returned.


public IlrEvent insertEvent(Object object)
Deprecated. As of IBM Decision Server 7.5, event processing is deprecated.

Inserts an object as an event.

If the object implements the IlrEvent interface, its timestamp is obtained by calling the time method specified by this interface. The method then returns the inserted object itself.

If the object does not implement the IlrEvent interface, the current value of the context internal clock is taken for the object timestamp. This method builds an instance of the IlrDefaultEvent class encapsulating the inserted object, and returns it.

In all cases, if the event is already in working memory, a normal update is performed instead of the insert operation. Otherwise, the returned object is added to working memory.

object - The object to be inserted as an event.
the object inserted or updated in working memory.
See Also:


public IlrEvent insertEvent(long timestamp,
                                       Object object)
Deprecated. As of IBM Decision Server 7.5, event processing is deprecated.

Asserts an object as an event. The object must not implement the IlrEvent interface. (If it does, the method throws an IllegalArgumentException.) This method builds an instance of the IlrDefaultEvent encapsulating the asserted object, taking the provided date for the object timestamp, adds the created instance to working memory, and returns it. If the event is already in working memory, a normal update is performed instead of the assert operation.

IllegalArgumentException - If object implements the IlrEvent interface.
timestamp - The timestamp of the object to be asserted as an event.
object - The object to be asserted as an event.
The object asserted or updated in working memory.


public void retract(Object object)
Retracts an object from working memory, if the object has been asserted. If the object has been asserted as an event and does not implement the IlrEvent interface, then this method must be provided with the instance of IlrDefaultEvent that has been created and returned upon assertion, and that can also be retrieved using the getEvent(java.lang.Object) method.

object - The object to retract.
See Also:


public void retractEvent(Object object)
Deprecated. As of IBM Decision Server 7.5, event processing is deprecated.

Retracts an object from working memory, if the object has been asserted as an event. This method can be provided with objects that do not implement the IlrEvent interface.

object - The object to retract.
See Also:
retract(Object), getEvent(Object)


public final void update(Object object)

Updates an object in working memory, if the object has been asserted. This method is equivalent to calling update(Object,boolean) with the second argument set to false.

object - The object to update.


public void update(Object object,
                   boolean refresh)

Updates an object in working memory if the object has been asserted. If the Boolean argument is false, this method does the same thing as the previous method. If the Boolean argument is true, the update will cause the agenda to be refreshed: if a rule that uses this object is true, a rule instance is inserted into the agenda. In this case, the rule applies as long as it can be fired.

object - The object to update.
refresh - The update flag. It is false for a normal update and true for a looping rule behavior.


public final void updateContext()

Updates the references to the context object. Calling this method is equivalent to calling updateContext(boolean) with false as argument.


public void updateContext(boolean refresh)
Updates references to the context object to ensure that the agenda is in a consistent state with the objects referenced by this context. Call this method when the following critearia are matched:

refresh - Set to true if a rule instance must be created for each combination of objects that satisfies a rule. This flag has the same interpretation as update(Object,boolean).


public void retractAll()

Retracts all the objects from working memory. The context becomes empty as if it had just been created (without the execution of the Initial Actions). The agenda is also emptied. The rules are not affected by this method.


public final Object[] getObjects(IlrClass clazz)

Gets all the objects in working memory that are instances of the passed XOM class. The returned objects can be direct instances of the XOM class, or instances of a sub-class of the XOM class.

clazz - The XOM class.
An array of objects.


public final IlrEvent getEvent(Object object)
Deprecated. As of IBM Decision Server 7.5, event processing is deprecated.

Returns the event object in working memory if the object provided has been asserted as an event. If object implements the IlrEvent interface, the returned object will be the object itself. Otherwise, the returned object will be the instance of IlrDefaultEvent which was created on assertion. If the object has not been asserted as an event, the method returns null.

object - The object to look for in working memory as an event.
the event object in working memory, or null if the object has not been asserted as an event.


public final Enumeration enumerateObjects()

Enumerates all the objects in working memory of the context without any discrimination on their types.

an enumeration of objects.


public final boolean isAgendaNotEmpty()

Tests whether the agenda contains at least one fireable rule instance.

Note: This method can be used in the following cases:

true if the agenda is not empty, false if the agenda is empty.


public final IlrRuleInstance getFirstInstance()

Gets the first rule instance of the agenda. This rule instance is the one placed at the top of the agenda and is the next to be fired. The agenda is not modified.

Note: This method can be used in the following cases:

the first rule instance of the agenda, or null if the agenda is empty.


public final boolean hasInstances(IlrRule rule)

Tests whether the agenda contains instances of a rule.

Note: This method can be used in the following cases:

rule - The rule for which existence of instances is to be checked.
true if the agenda contains at least one instance of the rule, otherwise it returns false.


public final void removeInstances(IlrRule rule)

Removes all the instances of a rule currently in the agenda without firing them.

Note: This method can be used in the following cases:

rule - The rule for which instances are to be removed.


public final void removeAllInstances()

Removes all the instances currently in the agenda without firing them. The agenda will become empty.

Note: This method can be used in the following cases:


public final void removeInstance(IlrRuleInstance instance)

Removes a particular rule instance from the agenda.

Note: This method can be used in the following cases:

instance - The rule instance to remove from the agenda.


public final Enumeration enumerateInstances()

Enumerates all the rule instances currently in the agenda of the context, without changing the contents of the agenda.

Note: This method can be used in the following cases:


public final void refreshAgenda()

Adds in the agenda all the rule instances that have been refracted. A refracted rule instance is one which has been fired or filtered, and which still evaluates to true.

Note: This method can be used in the following cases:


public IlrRuleInstance fireRule()

Fires the rule in the agenda that has the highest priority.

Note: This method can be used in the following cases:


public IlrRuleInstance fireRule(IlrAgendaFilter filter)

Fires the next rule instance in the agenda that passes the filter. If the filter is null, then the next instance is fired. Otherwise, a rule instance is popped from the agenda, if it passes the filter, it is fired. If it does not pass the filter, it is discarded. This process loops until a rule instance is found that passes the filter or the agenda is empty.

Note: This method can be used in the following cases:


public int fireAllRules()

Fires all the rules in the agenda.

Note: This method can be used in the following cases:


public int fireAllRules(IlrAgendaFilter filter)

Fires all the rules in the agenda using an agenda filter. If the passed filter is null, then all the rule instances are fired. Otherwise, a rule instance is popped from the agenda, if it passes the filter, it is fired. If it does not pass the filter, it is discarded. This process loops until no rule instance is left in the agenda.

Note: This method can be used in the following cases:


public void activateRule(IlrRule rule)

Adds a rule to the context. The rule must belong to the ruleset to which this context is attached. Otherwise, this method does nothing.

If the rule is added, only the current context is affected. The contents of this context is updated accordingly.

Note: This method may not work within a ruleflow, as the rules in a ruleflow are controlled by their tasks.

rule - The rule to be added.


public void activateRules(IlrRule[] rules)

Adds rules to the context. If the context class of the added rules does not match this context or if the context already contains the specified rules, the rule are not added. If rules are added, only the current context is affected. The content of the context is updated.

Note: This method may not work within a ruleflow, as the rules in a ruleflow are controlled by their tasks.

rules - The rules to be added.


public void activatePacket(String packet)

Activates a rule packet.

Note: This method may not work within a ruleflow, as the rules in a ruleflow are controlled by their tasks.

packet - The packet to be activated.


public void deactivatePacket(String packet)

Deactivates a rule packet.

Note: This method may not work within a ruleflow, as the rules in a ruleflow are controlled by their tasks.

packet - The packet to be deactivated.


public void deactivateRule(IlrRule rule)

Removes a rule from the context. The rule must belong to the ruleset to which this context is attached. Otherwise, this method does nothing.

If the rule is removed, the contents of this context is updated.

Note: This method may not work within a ruleflow, as the rules in a ruleflow are controlled by their tasks.

rule - The rule to be removed.


public void deactivateRules(IlrRule[] rules)

Removes rules from the context. If the context class of the rules to be removed does not match this context or if the context does not contain the specified rules, the rule are not removed. If rules are removed, only the current context is affected. The content of the context is updated.

Note: This method may not work within a ruleflow, as the rules in a ruleflow are controlled by their tasks.

rules - The rules to be removed.


public final boolean isRuleActivated(IlrRule rule)

Tests whether this context contains a rule.

Note: This method may not work within a ruleflow, as the rules in a ruleflow are controlled by their tasks.

rule - A rule.
true if the context contains the rule, otherwise it returns false.


public final boolean isRuleSelected(IlrRule rule)

Tests whether the rule is selected to be part of the executable rules. In case there is no ruleflow, this method returns the same value as isRuleActivated. If there is a ruleflow, this method returns true if the rule is part of the current task, else it returns false.

rule - A rule.
true if the the rule is selected as executable rule, otherwise it returns false.


public final IlrRule[] getActivatedRules()

Returns all the rules in the context.

Note: This method may not work within a ruleflow, as the rules in a ruleflow are controlled by their tasks.

an array of IlrRule. The length of the array can be 0.


public int fireRules(IlrRule[] rules)

Adds the rules passed as its argument to the context, fires all the rules in the agenda, and removes the rules that were passed as its argument. It returns the number of fired rules. This method is particularly useful if you know the agenda is empty and you only want specific rules to be fired.

Note: This method may not work within a ruleflow, as the rules in a ruleflow are controlled by their tasks.

rules - The rules to be fired.
the number of rules fired.


public IlrParameterMap execute()

Executes the ruleflow defined in the context's ruleset. If the ruleflow is in a suspended state (its execution has been started but is hanging because one task has not completed), execution will resume from the uncompleted task, that is, "the current task".

This method calls fireAllRules if no ruleflow is defined in the context's ruleset.

The number of fired rules is returned in the returned IlrParameterMap (when a ruleflow is executed, the number of rules corresponds to the total number of rules fired during the entire ruleflow execution). The value can be get in the result with the name IlrContext.firedRulesCountConstant. The method also returns the values of the ruleset variables whose modifier is either "out" or "inout".

an IlrParameterMap containing the "out" and "inout" ruleset variable values and the number of rules fired.
See Also:


public void setMainTask(String name)

Sets the ruleflow main task by giving its name. If no task with this name is defined in the context's ruleset, an IlrUserRuntimeException, encapsulating an IlrUndefinedTaskException is thrown. This exception can be caught if a ruleflow exception handler has been set on the context. The task set with this method takes precedence over any task named "main" in the ruleflow.

If there is no ruleflow defined in the context's ruleset, this method will be ignored.

See Also:


public IlrTask getMainTask()

Returns the task defined as the main task in the context's ruleset ruleflow. The ruleflow's main task is defined as follows: - the task whose property "mainflowtask" is set to true, or - the task named "main", or - the task set as main by the API call setMainTask.

The ruleflow's main task.


public void setParameters(IlrParameterMap parameters)

Sets the values of the declared ruleset variables contained in the passed IlrParameterMap (defined either with the "in" or "inout" modifier). If one of the values does not correspond to an "in" or "inout" variable in the ruleset, an IllegalArgumentException exception is thrown.

parameters - The structure containing "in" and "inout" ruleset variables with a given value.


public void setParameterValue(String name,
                              Object value)
Sets the value of the ruleset parameter. In case the parameter is not defined on the ruleset, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

name - The name of the parameter whose value is set.
value - The value of the ruleset parameter.


public Object getParameterValue(String name)
Gets the value of the ruleset parameter. In case the parameter is not defined on the ruleset, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

name - The name of the parameter whose value is requested


public void cleanRulesetVariables()
Resets the values of the ruleset variables: either the 'in' parameters, or the 'out' or the local variables.


public IlrParameterMap getReturnValues()

Returns the values of the "out" ruleset variables (those defined either with the "inout" or "out" modifier). The returned value contains the number of fired rules stored in the variable IlrContext.firedRulesCountConstant.

an IlrParameterMap that contains all the "out" ruleset variables with their values.
See Also:


public final boolean isUsingFlow()

Returns a boolean to indicate whether a ruleflow has been defined in the context's ruleset.

true if a ruleflow is defined in the context's ruleset, else returns false.


public void endCurrentTask()

Ends the context's current task by executing its potential final actions and declaring it as Completed. This task has been suspended during the flow execution because its completion flag returned false.


public IlrParameterMap execute(String name)

Executes the task passed as the argument. This call is equivalent to call setMainTask with the passed task and then execute.

name - The task's name.
an IlrParameterMap containing the values of the "out", "inout" ruleset variables and the number of fired rules.
See Also:


public IlrParameterMap executeTask()

Provides a step-by-step execution of the ruleflow. If the context's ruleset does not contain a ruleflow, it calls fireRule. Otherwise it executes one task and exits. The ruleflow retains the current task, and the next call to execute or executeTask starts from the current task.

an IlrParameterMap containing the "out" and "inout" ruleset variable values and the number of rules fired.
See Also:


public void setRuleflowExceptionHandler(IlrExceptionHandler handler)

Sets the exception handler responsible for catching runtime exceptions thrown during the execution of a ruleflow. Note that setting an exception handler is not mandatory. The handler will not only be called, when the exception occurs within ruleflow statement execution. For exception that occurs during rule execution of the ruleflow you must use @link setExceptionHandler(IlrExceptionHandler)

handler - The exception handler in charge of catching ruleflow execution exceptions.


public IlrTask getTask(String name)

Returns the task defined in the ruleflow and whose name is the one passed as the parameter. It returns null if no such task exists.

name - The name of a task to return.
The task whose name is name.


public IlrTask getCurrentTask()

Returns the task that is currently executing or the task that is in a suspended state in the ruleflow. If the ruleset linked to the context contains no ruleflow, the returned value is null. If there is a ruleflow that is neither executing nor suspended, the returned value is null. When the ruleflow is suspended because of a suspended task (a task is suspended because its completion flag returned a value of false) the current task is this task. If this suspended task has been completed by the endCurrentTask method, it is no longer the current task. The ruleflow's current task is the one that is suspended, that is, the task that models the ruleflow itself. If the ruleflow is suspended because of a task by task execution, the current task is the one that models the ruleflow itself.

The task currently executing in the ruleflow or the task in a suspended state.


public void resetRuleflow()
Resets ruleflow execution in the context. This is particularly relevant for a suspended ruleflow. The execution of this method will start ruleflow execution with the ruleflow's main task, and not with the ruleflow's current task.


public final boolean isCacheRuleflowData()

Tests whether or not the ruleflow data is cached when resetRuleflow() is called.

JRules 6.7
The result of the test.
See Also:
setCacheRuleflowData(boolean), resetRuleflow()


public final void setCacheRuleflowData(boolean cache)

Sets whether or not to keep the cached ruleflow data when resetRuleflow() is called.

When the ruleflow data is cached, some internal ruleflow execution objects are reused from one call to execute() to another. Otherwise, all the ruleflow internal objects are re-created at each call to execute(). You should try keeping the ruleflow data cached when the ruleflow has few application objects to process at one time during each individual call to execute(). Note that the internal ruleflow objects related to purely dynamic tasks cannot be reused even if the ruleflow data is cached, because they depend on runtime values and have to be recomputed when required.

By default, the ruleflow data is not cached.

JRules 6.7
cache - The control flag.
See Also:
isCacheRuleflowData(), resetRuleflow(), execute()


public boolean isTaskCompleted(String name)

Tests whether the specified task is completed. A task is said to be Completed if it has ended (or not started) its execution. This state is different from a Suspended state, which means that the task execution did not finish: the final actions of the task have not been executed, and if we execute the flow again we start at the suspended task. If the task is not defined in the ruleset, this method throws an IlrUndefinedTaskException exception encapsulated into an IlrUserRuntimeException exception.

name - The task's fully qualified name.
true if the specified task is not executing, else returns false.


public boolean isRuleflowCompleted()

Tests whether the ruleflow execution is completed, which means that the ruleflow execution is not interrupted because of either a suspended task or a task by task execution.

true if the ruleflow execution is completed, else returns false.

Rule Execution Server API

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