Rule Execution Server API

Interface IlrXmlDataTypeMapper

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IlrXmlDataTypeMapper

Determines how XML types and collection are mapped onto the XOM.

Nested Class Summary
static interface IlrXmlDataTypeMapper.CollectionMapper
          Determines how the XML collection elements are mapped on XOM fields, and finally on Java fields.
Method Summary
 IlrXmlDataTypeMapper.CollectionMapper getCollectionMapper(IlrType componentXomType)
          Gets the collection mapping that describes how the collection field of a schema should be mapped on Java type.
 boolean mapEnumerationAsStaticFields(IlrType type)
          Determines if static fields are generated for representing simple type enumerations.
 boolean mapFacetAsStaticMethod()
          Determines if static methods is generated for representing simple type facets.
 boolean supportDynamicSimpleTyping(IlrType type)
          Determines if a dynamic simple field of the XOM could be mapped on a simple dynamic type and not directly on a Java type.
 boolean useArrayCollection()
          Determines if collections are mapped on arrays.
 boolean useDynamicSimpleType()

Method Detail


boolean supportDynamicSimpleTyping(IlrType type)
Determines if a dynamic simple field of the XOM could be mapped on a simple dynamic type and not directly on a Java type.


boolean mapEnumerationAsStaticFields(IlrType type)
Determines if static fields are generated for representing simple type enumerations.


boolean useDynamicSimpleType()

Determines if a dynamic simple field of the XOM could be mapped on a simple dynamic type and not directly on a Java type.


boolean mapFacetAsStaticMethod()
Determines if static methods is generated for representing simple type facets.


boolean useArrayCollection()
Determines if collections are mapped on arrays. If true, the getCollectionMapper method is not invoked to determine the collection type.


IlrXmlDataTypeMapper.CollectionMapper getCollectionMapper(IlrType componentXomType)
Gets the collection mapping that describes how the collection field of a schema should be mapped on Java type. This method is not called when the useArrayCollection is true.

componentXomType - The XOM type of the collection component.
The collection mapper.

Rule Execution Server API

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