Rule Execution Server API

Interface IlrXmlDataDriver

All Superinterfaces:
IlrXmlDocumentDriver, IlrXmlSchemaDriver
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IlrXmlDataDriver
extends IlrXmlSchemaDriver, IlrXmlDocumentDriver

An XML data driver converts an XML Schema to an Execution Object Model (XOM).

The XOM is represented by an IlrReflect instance and is used when an XML document is read. XML data are then translated into IlrXmlObject Java instances.

These Java instances or dynamic objects can be unmarshalled by the driver back into an XML document.

Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface ilog.rules.xml.IlrXmlSchemaDriver
createDocumentDriver, end, getErrors, getModel, getWarnings, getXmlModel, loadModel, loadModel, loadModels, setModel
Methods inherited from interface ilog.rules.xml.IlrXmlDocumentDriver
end, getErrors, getModel, getWarnings, getXmlModel, readObject, readObject, readObject, writeObject

Rule Execution Server API

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