Rule Execution Server API

Package ilog.rules.util

Provides utilities for handling classes.


Interface Summary
IlrURI Base interface for all kind of path identifier.
IlrVisitable A visitable interface.

Class Summary
IlrBinaryClassLoader Deprecated. As of JRules 7.5, this class is deprecated and won't be replaced
IlrFile Relative file class.
IlrInterval This class models an interval of Object.
IlrPackageUtilities Utilities to manipulate fully qualified names to get the package name and short name.
IlrSelector Reflective selector.
IlrSelector.And And selector, a selector that accepts an object if both underlying selectors accept it.
IlrSelector.Not Not selector, a selector that accepts the objects refused by an underlying selector.
IlrSelector.Or Or selector, a selector that accepts an object if one of the two underlying selectors accepts it.
IlrVisitor Reflective visitor.

Package ilog.rules.util Description

Provides utilities for handling classes.

Rule Execution Server API

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