Rule Execution Server API

Package ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace

Provides interfaces for the Decision Warehouse DAO.


Interface Summary
IlrBooleanCriteria Represents Boolean criteria.
IlrBooleanCriteria.AndCriteria Represents the And criteria.
IlrBooleanCriteria.OrCriteria Represents the Or criteria.
IlrBooleanOperator Represents Boolean query operators.
IlrBooleanOperator.AndBoolOperator Represents the And operator.
IlrBooleanOperator.OrBoolOperator Represents the Or operator.
IlrComparableCriteriaPart<T> Used to create criteria using greater than and less than operations.
IlrCriteria Interface for Decision Warehouse query criteria.
IlrCriteriaPart<T> Used to create criteria equal to another object.
IlrCriteriaPart.IlrCriteriaPartBoolean Represents a Boolean.
IlrCriteriaPart.IlrCriteriaPartCollection Represents a Collection.
IlrCriteriaPart.IlrCriteriaPartDate Represents a Date.
IlrCriteriaPart.IlrCriteriaPartDouble Represents a Double.
IlrCriteriaPart.IlrCriteriaPartFloat Represents a Float.
IlrCriteriaPart.IlrCriteriaPartInteger Represents an Integer.
IlrCriteriaPart.IlrCriteriaPartLong Represents a Long.
IlrCriteriaPart.IlrCriteriaPartMap Represents a Map.
IlrCriteriaPart.IlrCriteriaPartShort Represents a Short.
IlrCriteriaPart.IlrCriteriaPartString Represents a String.
IlrCriteriaPlain<T> Holds the name and type criteria.
IlrOperator Base interface for the Decision Warehouse query operator.
IlrPartOperator Interface for the Decision Warehouse query partial operator.
IlrTraceDAO Interface for Decision Warehouse trace DAO.
IlrTraceDAOFactory Implement to provide customized trace management.
IlrTraceIterator Acts as a scrollable result set for IlrDWTrace objects.
IlrTraceQuery This interface is used for building criteria to query Decision Warehouse and for holding the built criteria.
This interface is used in particular when implementing the IlrTraceDAO.deleteTraces(IlrTraceQuery) and IlrTraceDAO.findTraces(IlrTraceQuery) methods.
To implement these methods, you must interpret the tree of criteria returned by the IlrTraceQuery.getCriteria() method.

Class Summary
IlrTraceDAOFactoryUtil Represents the DAO factory trace utilities.
IlrTraceDAOWrapper A DAO wrapper trace utility class.

Enum Summary
IlrTraceDAOFactoryType Enumeration for specifying the trace DAO types supplied with JRules, such as JDBC_DRIVER, or JDBC_DATASOURCE.

Exception Summary
IlrTraceDAOException Thrown by the trace DAO when an error occurs.

Package ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace Description

Provides interfaces for the Decision Warehouse DAO.

Rule Execution Server API

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 2012