Rule Execution Server API
Interface IlrTransientProperties

All Known Subinterfaces:
IlrAbstractValue, IlrActualValue, IlrAttribute, IlrBoundedDomain, IlrClass, IlrCollectionDomain, IlrComponentProperty, IlrConstructor, IlrDomain, IlrDomainIntersection, IlrEnum, IlrEnumeratedDomain, IlrIndexedComponentProperty, IlrMember, IlrMemberWithParameter, IlrMethod, IlrModelElement, IlrMutableActualValue, IlrMutableAttribute, IlrMutableBoundedDomain, IlrMutableClass, IlrMutableCollectionDomain, IlrMutableComponentProperty, IlrMutableConstructor, IlrMutableDomainIntersection, IlrMutableIndexedComponentProperty, IlrMutableMember, IlrMutableMemberWithParameter, IlrMutableMethod, IlrMutableModelElement, IlrMutableObjectModel, IlrMutablePackage, IlrMutableParameter, IlrMutablePatternDomain, IlrMutableStaticReference, IlrMutableType, IlrMutableTypeVariable, IlrNamespace, IlrObjectModel, IlrPackage, IlrParameter, IlrPatternDomain, IlrPrimitiveType, IlrProperties, IlrStaticReference, IlrType, IlrTypeVariable, IlrWildcardType
All Known Implementing Classes:
IlrDynamicActualValue, IlrDynamicAttribute, IlrDynamicBoundedDomain, IlrDynamicClass, IlrDynamicComponentProperty, IlrDynamicConstructor, IlrDynamicDomain, IlrDynamicDomainIntersection, IlrDynamicEnum, IlrDynamicEnumeratedDomain, IlrDynamicIndexedComponentProperty, IlrDynamicMember, IlrDynamicMethod, IlrDynamicModelElement, IlrDynamicObjectModel, IlrDynamicPackage, IlrDynamicParameter, IlrDynamicPatternDomain, IlrDynamicStaticReference, IlrDynamicType, IlrDynamicTypeVariable, IlrDynamicValue, IlrDynamicWildcardType, IlrReflect

public interface IlrTransientProperties

This interface manages a set of transient properties where each property has a name and a value.

Method Summary
 Object getPropertyValue(String propertyName)
          Returns the values of a property.
 Object getPropertyValue(String propertyName, Object defaultValue)
          Returns the value of a property.
 Iterator propertyNames()
          Returns the property names.
 void removeProperty(String propertyName)
          Removes the property propertyName.
 void setPropertyValue(String propertyName, Object value)
          Sets the property propertyName to value.

Method Detail


Iterator propertyNames()
Returns the property names.

a iterator over property names.


Object getPropertyValue(String propertyName)
Returns the values of a property.

propertyName - The name of the property.
the value of the property with name propertyName and null if there is no such property.


Object getPropertyValue(String propertyName,
                        Object defaultValue)
Returns the value of a property.

JRules 6.0
propertyName - The name of the property.
defaultValue - The default value to return is the property is not set.
The value of the property with name propertyName or defaultValue if there is no such property.


void setPropertyValue(String propertyName,
                      Object value)
Sets the property propertyName to value. The property is also made non-persistent (in other words, transient)

propertyName - the property name
value - a value.


void removeProperty(String propertyName)
Removes the property propertyName.

propertyName - the property name

Rule Execution Server API

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