IBM FileNet P8, Version 5.2            

Manage component queues

Component queues make it possible to process a workflow step by using an external entity, such as a Java™ object or Java Message Service (JMS).

By using Process Configuration Console, you configure a component queue with an adapter, either Java or JMS. The Java adapter allows you to expose public methods from a Java class as operations on a queue. The JMS adapter enables you to publish workflow data to a JMS queue, also by using operations. By using Process Designer, the workflow author adds a component step to a map and selects operations for that step from the list of component queues. The workflow author also specifies the appropriate expression for each operation parameter.

When you configure a component queue with an adapter, you can choose from the following adapters: If you have custom component queues that you created with earlier versions of FileNet® P8, you can still work with those components, but it is recommended that you move your component queues to the current version because the adapters from earlier versions of FileNet P8 are deprecated in this release.


Last updated: October 2013

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