Interface Marking

  • All Superinterfaces:
    DependentObject, EngineObject,

    public interface Marking
    extends EngineObject, DependentObject
    Represents the definition of a value that may be assigned to a marking-controlled property. Markings provide an additional, optional layer of security that is primarily designed for the records management marketplace, but which can also be applied by non-records management applications. Markings allow controlled access to objects based on specific property values. The set of definitions for all possible Marking objects is contained in a MarkingSet collection.

    A marking represents a single item in a set of markings. For example, if a set of markings is called Security Codes, items within the set might be Top Secret, Secret, Confidential, and so on. Each of those marking values contains a set of access permissions that define who can assign that specific value to an object property, who can modify or remove that specific value, and, once the value is assigned, who will have access to the object to which the value is assigned. You can assign one or more of these markings to an object. To then be able to access that object, a user must be granted sufficient access from all assigned markings. The set of all active markings (that is, those that are currently assigned to a given object) are contained in an ActiveMarkingList collection. To retrieve the active markings on a given object, call its get_ActiveMarkings() method to get the value of the ActiveMarkings property. You can then iterate through the returned ActiveMarkingList to retrieve each marking and its value.

    The user's access to an object is represented by an effective access mask. The effective access is calculated using the object's permission list and subtracting the constraint mask of the applied markings. The resulting effective access is used to control what that user can do with the object.


    • Method Detail

      • get_Id

        Id get_Id()
        Returns the value of the Id property. For more information, see Id Property.
      • get_MarkingValue

        java.lang.String get_MarkingValue()
        Returns the value of the MarkingValue property. For more information, see MarkingValue Property.
      • set_MarkingValue

        void set_MarkingValue(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the value of the MarkingValue property. For more information, see MarkingValue Property.
      • get_ConstraintMask

        java.lang.Integer get_ConstraintMask()
        Returns the value of the ConstraintMask property. For more information, see ConstraintMask Property.
      • set_ConstraintMask

        void set_ConstraintMask(java.lang.Integer value)
        Sets the value of the ConstraintMask property. For more information, see ConstraintMask Property.
      • get_MarkingUseGranted

        java.lang.Integer get_MarkingUseGranted()
        Returns the value of the MarkingUseGranted property. For more information, see MarkingUseGranted Property.

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