
Interface ContentCacheConfiguration

  • All Superinterfaces:
    DependentObject, EngineObject,, SubsystemConfiguration

    public interface ContentCacheConfiguration
    extends SubsystemConfiguration, DependentObject
    Defines the configuration for a content cache. This includes, in particular, the file storage area for the cache (the ContentCacheArea property).

    A cache configuration can be associated with a server or with a group of servers. More specifically, a ContentCacheConfiguration instance can be associated with the following types of objects: ServerInstance, which represents one server; VirtualServer, which represents one or more servers; and Site, which represents a still yet larger grouping of servers and other objects based on a geographic location. (A cache configuration can also be associated with a Domain, but typically you would not want servers in different geographical sites to use the same cache, since the cache must be local to the server to benefit server performance.) On startup, and periodically thereafter, a Content Engine server checks the ServerInstance object representing itself, then the VirtualServer object representing the virtual server of which it is a part, and so on, searching for the most closely associated cache configuration. Referred to as the primary cache, the first cache found becomes the cache for that server. Otherwise, in the absence of any cache configuration, the server does not use a cache.

    In order for a cache area to be used, at least one server must be configured to be part of the same site as the cache.


    • Method Detail

      • get_MaxInMemoryElementState

        java.lang.Integer get_MaxInMemoryElementState()
        Returns the value of the MaxInMemoryElementState property. For more information, see MaxInMemoryElementState Property.
      • set_MaxInMemoryElementState

        void set_MaxInMemoryElementState(java.lang.Integer value)
        Sets the value of the MaxInMemoryElementState property. For more information, see MaxInMemoryElementState Property.

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