
Class ChangeState

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ChangeState
    extends PendingAction
    Represents a pending action for changing the lifecycle policy state of a Document, or for changing the state of a CmTask. When the changeState method is called on Document or CmTask, the API automatically creates an instance of the ChangeState class and adds it to the underlying object's collection of PendingAction objects.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ChangeState

        public ChangeState(LifecycleChangeFlags lifecycleAction)
        Creates a new instance of a ChangeState pending action object.
        lifecycleAction - A LifecycleChangeFlags constant specifying the type of state transition to be applied to the document or task.
        E_BAD_PARAMETER - when you call the save method:
        • If the lifecycleAction parameter is null.
        • If the lifecycleAction parameter is PROMOTE, DEMOTE, or RESET, and the document has no document lifecycle policy defined.
        • If the lifecycleAction parameter is PROMOTE, DEMOTE, RESET, or SET_EXCEPTION, and the document or task is already in an exception state.
        • If the lifecycleAction parameter is CLEAR_EXCEPTION and the document or task is not in an exception state.
        E_NOT_SUPPORTED - if the document is a reservation object, if you attempt to promote or demote a task from a state that does not allow promotion or demotion, or if you attempt the unsupported RESET operation on a task. Thrown when you call the save method.
    • Method Detail

      • getLifecycleAction

        public LifecycleChangeFlags getLifecycleAction()
        Returns the new lifecycle state for the underlying object of this pending action.
        A LifecycleChangeFlags constant specifying the new lifecycle policy state.

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