IBM Integration Bus, Version Operating Systems: AIX, HP-Itanium, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS

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Listing SSL cipher suites

You can view the available cipher suites in the IBM® Integration Toolkit when you connect to a remote integration node (broker). You can also view a list of the cipher suites that are supported by IBM Integration Bus.

A cipher suite is a collection of algorithms that are used to encrypt data. During SSL authentication, the client and server compare cipher suites and select the first one that they have in common. If no suitable cipher suites exist, the server returns a handshake failure alert and closes the connection.

To use SSL encryption, you need a Java™ Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) provider. IBM Integration Bus supports the ciphers that are provided by the JSSE provider. For more information about Java security, see IBM Java security web page.

You can view the available cipher suites in the IBM Integration Toolkit when you connect to a remote integration node:
  1. In the Integration Nodes view, right-click Integration Nodes > Connect to a Remote Integration Node.
  2. Provide a queue manager name, host name, and port number, then click Next.
  3. Click the arrow to the right of Cipher suite.
A list of the cipher suites that are available in the Toolkit is displayed.

For a list of all the cipher suites that are supported by IBM Integration Bus, see Appendix A of the IBM JSSE2 Guide.

bp23250_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017