IBM Integration Bus, Version Operating Systems: AIX, HP-Itanium, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS

See information about the latest product version

Completing integration of IBM Integration Bus services with Business Process Manager Integration services

Use this task to complete IBM® Business Process Manager (BPM) integration services that are implemented in IBM Integration Bus.

Before you start:

Receive an export .twx file with implemented IBM Integration Bus integration services from an IBM Integration Bus developer; see Creating an IBM Integration Bus integration service from an IBM Business Process Manager export file

Use this task to complete the integration of IBM Integration Bus services in BPM.
  1. Update the BPM toolkit integration service with a web service connector with appropriate properties. In the BPM Process Center, you can select a tab for BPM toolkits and choose to import a toolkit. To import the BPM toolkit, browse to the export .twx file that contains the IBM Integration Bus service information and select it. For more information, see the BPM information center topics on calling a web service inside IBM Process Designer.
  2. Open the process application that is associated with the BPM integration service.
  3. If the imported BPM toolkit exists as a dependency, update the version dependency on the BPM toolkit. If the BPM toolkit does not exist in the integration service, you must add the toolkit as a new dependency. For more information, see the BPM information center topics on updating a toolkit dependency in the Designer view.
  4. Environment variables in the BPM integration service endpoint address URL define the remote host name and port number. If these values change remotely, you must update them in these URL variables. Update the tw.env.wmb_hostname variable to the new host name and the tw.env.wmb_listening.Port variable to the new listener port in the environment variables.
  5. Test the BPM integration service on the playback server. For information about testing, see the BPM information center topics on creating a Process Center server. Playback servers are also called Process Center servers.

The BPM developer has a business object that uses services that are provided by IBM Integration Bus.

bc49078_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017