IBM Integration Bus, Version Operating Systems: AIX, HP-Itanium, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS

See information about the latest product version

Installing service on Linux and UNIX

Apply maintenance updates and program fixes to the Integration Bus component.

Before you start:
To install the updates that you have downloaded:
Note: A fix pack can be installed on a system that does not have a previous version of IIB. In this situation the license files that are provided with GA installation media must be made available. These are available on the DVD media or the download media from Passport Advantage in a directory named license. When performing a graphical or console installation, the installer will prompt the user to supply the location of the license directory. When performing a silent installation, the location of the license directory should be supplied using the flag -DExternal_License_Path=<path to licenses>, or using the property External_License_Path=<path to licenses> in the response file.
  1. Check that your user ID has the correct authority to uninstall the Integration Bus component. The requirements are defined in Installation and uninstallation authorization.
  2. Log in to the system.
    • On AIX®, you must either log in as root, or use the same user ID that you initially used to complete the original installation as a user without root authorities.
    • On Linux and on other UNIX computers, your user ID must either have root authority to complete the installation, or you must use the same user ID that you initially used to complete the original installation as a user without root authorities.
  3. Stop all brokers that are running on this computer by using the mqsistop command. If you are applying service on a computer that is running Linux on x86, close all instances of the IBM Integration Toolkit and the IBM Integration Explorer.

    Check that all files associated with IBM Integration Bus are closed.

  4. Change to the directory where you downloaded the fix pack file. The file name is in the form V.R.M-prod-platform-fixpack.tar.z, where V.R.M-prod represents the version, release, and modification level of the product, -platform identifies the platform, and -fixpack identifies the fix pack. For example, the file name 9.0.0-WS-MB-AIXPPC64-FP0001.tar.z identifies the file for Fix Pack 1 on Version 9.0.0 of IBM Integration Bus on AIX.
    Note: When using AIX, if you selected HTTP for the download instead of the Download Director, the file name extension is .tar.tgz instead of .tar.z.
  5. Replace the .z file with a .tar file, by entering the following command:
    uncompress -fv V.R.M-prod-platform-fixpack.tar.z
  6. Untar the image and extract all the directories, subdirectories, and files required to apply the update, by entering the following command:
    tar -xvf V.R.M-prod-platform-fixpack.tar
  7. Decide which interface you want to use for the installation; -i swing (the default option if none is specified), -i console, or -i silent. For more information about the interfaces that you can use to run the installation, and other options that you can specify, see Installation and uninstallation interfaces and How to install and uninstall the Integration Bus component.
  8. Depending on the choice you have selected, run one of the following commands. Where installer is the appropriate installation program for your platform, as listed in the following table.
    • To use the installation wizard graphical interface, type the installer name with no options at a command prompt, and press Enter. Include the absolute or relative path names if you start installation from a directory other than the one in which the wizard exists. When you start the installation wizard, it guides you through a series of panels where you can make choices about where to install the components, and which components you want to install.
    • To use the installation wizard console interface, enter installer -i console. Include the absolute or relative path names if you start installation from a directory other than the one in which the wizard exists. When you start the installation wizard, it prompts you to enter input for all options, including where to install the components, and which components you want to install.
    • To use the installation wizard silent interface, enter installer -i silent. Include the absolute or relative path names if you start installation from a directory other than the one in which the wizard exists. If you want to specify non-default settings, include a response file on the command. For more details of how to specify a response file, and how to create and edit a response file to define your requirements, see Using response files with the Integration Bus component.
    Platform Installation program
    AIX setupaix
    HP-Itanium setuphpia64
    Linux on POWER® setuplinuxppc
    Linux on x86 setuplinuxia32
    Linux on x86-64 setuplinuxx64
    Linux on IBM z Systems setuplinux390
    Solaris on SPARC setupsolaris
    Solaris on x86-64 setupsolarisx64
    The installer extracts the update files and runs according to the arguments supplied.
  9. Follow the instructions presented by the installation program and provide all input that is required to complete the installation.

    After the IBM Integration Bus component has been installed, IBM Integration ODBC Database Extender is automatically installed in silent mode into the default directory /opt/ibm/IE02/2.0.1. This installation directory is shared by all brokers of the same version, regardless of fix pack level.

    When installation has successfully completed, review the release notes that are supplied in the directory readmes, and complete all manual post-installation tasks that are required.

  10. If you have defined ODBC connections for brokers on this computer, you must update the odbc.ini files before you restart your brokers.
  11. When you have completed any required ODBC changes, restart the brokers by using the mqsistart command.

ah01651_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017