Testing the Healthcare: HL7 to HL7 pattern

Use the following information to help you to test the Healthcare: HL7 to HL7 pattern.

This topic contains the following sections:

HL7 test application

The HL7 test application allows you to send and receive HL7 messages to the integration node using MLLP. The application can simulate a single source and destination clinical application. The test application provides options to simulate different MLLP configurations and message sequencing. HL7 messages are provided in the pattern resources to use as test data; see Resources for the Healthcare: HL7 to HL7 pattern.

To start the HL7 test application, complete the following steps:

  1. Click File > New > Other.
  2. In the Healthcare folder, select HL7 Test Application and click Next.
  3. Enter a container and filename for the test application settings and click Finish. The HL7 test application starts.

HL7 messages

An HL7 message is split into segments and fields. The boundary between segments can vary depending on the sending application. The sample messages that are used in the test application use the hex characters 0D and 0A . Fields within a segment are separated by using the character declared in the MSH segment at the start of every HL7 message, the default is the vertical bar character (|). The segments are identified by the first field; the following example has four segments: MSH, EVN, PID, and PV1. The MSH segment is the header of the message, and has several fields that are explained in this topic.

The following example shows a typical HL7 message (ADT A01) (line breaks have been added to make it easier to read):

10000476524^^^FIN^FIN NBR|100000451||||||0
PV1|1|Inpatient|CD:16067689^CD:16067691^CD:16067741^Uniontown Hospit^^Bed(s)
^Uniontown Hospit||||||||||||||501455^Orr^Maggi^^^^^^External ID^Personnel^^^
Identifier~25584^Orr^Maggi^^^^^^PERSONNEL PRIMARY
IDENTIFIER^Personnel^^^Personnel Primary Identifier|Inpatient|||||||||||||||||||
Uniontown Hospit||Active|||20090911132100

Basic pattern instance setup

The main message flows of the pattern instance are:

If you choose to create a pattern instance with more destinations, more DestnSender flows are created, where n is the number of the destination.

You must ensure that you have all the queues set up for the pattern instance, see the "Queues" section in Managing a Healthcare: HL7 to HL7 pattern instance.

Flow of information through the pattern instance

When you send a message with the test application, the information flows through a pattern instance in the following sequence:

  1. The message is put on the HL7_TEST_IN queue and picked up by the SourceApplication flow.
  2. The SourceApplication flow adds MLLP bytes to the message and then sends it over TCP/IP to the pattern instance.
  3. The message arrives in the Receiver message flow where the MLLP bytes are trimmed.
  4. The MSH segment in the message is parsed.
  5. If the duplicate message and sequencing options are turned on in the pattern instance setup, duplicate messages are checked and sequencing is set up.
  6. An acknowledgment reply (ACK) message is sent back to the SourceApplication flow.
  7. The message is sent to the RXFn queue, where n is the number of the destination. The message is picked up from the RXFn queue by the TransformAndRouten message flow, where n is the number of the destination.

    If you set up message or segment filtering, the filtering is carried out in this flow. Depending on the pattern instance setup, this flow might also contain nodes that publish remainders in the message and the canonical form of the message.

  8. The message is transformed into XML and sent to each destination flow.
  9. In the destination flows the messages are sent to the DestinationApplication flows, which respond with an ACK message.
  10. The ACK message is processed by the destination flow.
  11. Depending on the pattern instance configuration that you set up, the messages might also be resequenced and sent to the destination again.

All flows also have an exception handling subflow that handles any problems that are caught by the flow.

Extra options


You can set up sequencing for the pattern instance in the Options group of parameters. If the Arrival based option for sequencing is selected, the correct order for the messages is based on the order in which they arrive in the pattern instance. If the Content based option for sequencing is selected, the value of the thirteenth field (123 in the example) in the MSH segment of the message is used as the sequence number. The Receiver message flow sets up the sequencing for the pattern instance and takes the sequence number of the messages.

Messages are resequenced in each of the destination flows. For each destination you can choose either strict or lax sequencing. If you choose strict sequencing and a message is missing, the remaining messages are held until the missing message arrives, which might block the flow indefinitely. If you choose lax sequencing and a message is missing, you decide how long the flow waits before it stops waiting for the missing message and continues processing messages.

To exercise the sequencing options, you can manipulate the order in which messages are sent to the pattern instance, change the sequencing number in the message, or take messages off queues during processing.

Processing duplicates

If the Check duplicates parameter is selected, the Receiver message flow contains extra nodes to check for duplicates. The tenth field (Q30235031T29347435X328970 in the example) in the MSH segment of the message contains the message control ID, used to check for duplicate messages. After a message is processed by the flow, the message is saved on a queue that can be checked. The Check duplicates subflow checks for duplicate messages; if the message is not a duplicate, processing continues as normal. However, if the message is found to be a duplicate and ACK messages are turned on, the original ACK message is returned to the sending application. If ACK messages are turned off, the duplicate message is processed in the same way as a new message arriving in the flow.

To exercise duplicate processing, you can manipulate the tenth field of the MSH segment in your messages.

Sending ACK and NACK messages

If the Send acknowledgment parameter is selected, after the message has been processed by the Receiver message flow the pattern instance sends an ACK message to the sending application. This action informs the sending application that the message has been successfully processed. The SourceApplication message flow has nodes that are configured to handle ACK and negative acknowledgment reply (NACK) messages. If a problem occurs with the message processing, a NACK message is sent to the sending application instead.

Nodes are also contained in the destination flows to handle ACK messages that get sent back to the pattern instance from the destination application after the destination application has successfully received the message.


Several of the parameters in the Options group of the pattern instance configuration allow you to choose what information is logged about the messages as they are processed:

Message and segment filtering

Message filtering allows you to filter messages based on their event type, the ninth field (ADT^A01 in the example) of the MSH segment of the message. Not all messages from a source application are required by all destinations. You can use message filtering to exclude specific messages from specific destinations. Message filtering is configured on a per destination basis.

When specifying message filters, the ninth field provides values for Code and Event . The two values are separated by the circumflex character (^). For the example message at the start of this document, Code is ADT , and Event is A01 . If sequencing is on and a message is filtered out, a dummy message is sent in its place so that the sequence is maintained.

Segment filtering allows you to specify the segments that are removed from a message when it is sent to a destination. You can use segment filtering to remove these segments from a message before it is passed on to a destination. If the destination does not support all the message segments that are sent by the source application, you might want to use this option to filter out the segments, for example, extensions to HL7 messages called Z-segments. Segment filtering is on a per destination basis.

Segments are specified by a three letter code (MSH, EVN, PID, and PV1 in the example message). The MSH segment is the message header, which cannot be filtered out even if it is specified by the user.

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