Preparing the environment to work with Salesforce systems

Ensure that your environment is configured to run the SalesforceRequest node.

About this task

The SalesforceRequest node is available on Windows and Linux® x64 systems, in developer mode and applicationIntegrationSuite mode.

When you create an integration node, its mode of operation is set to the default value of either advanced or developer, depending on the edition of IBM® Integration Bus that you installed. You can use the SalesforceRequest node in developer mode while you are developing and testing your flows, but you cannot deploy the flow into a production environment until you have modified the integration node to run in applicationIntegrationSuite mode. You can change the mode of operation by running the mqsimode command; for more information about how to do this, see Changing the operation mode of your integration nodes and mqsimode command. You must also obtain an Application Integration Suite license, which entitles you to use the SalesforceRequest node. For more information about the license required to run the SalesforceRequest node, see License requirements.