Working with Salesforce

IBM® Integration Bus provides a SalesforceRequest node, which enables you to communicate with to create, retrieve, update, and delete Salesforce records.

About this task

The SalesforceRequest node is available on Windows and Linux® x64 systems, in developer mode and applicationIntegrationSuite mode. When you are developing your message flows, you can use the SalesforceRequest node in developer mode, but you must obtain an Application Integration Suite license and modify your integration node to run in applicationIntegrationSuite mode before you can deploy the message flow into a production environment. For more information, see Operation modes.

IBM Integration Bus communicates synchronously with Salesforce by using Loopback connector technology from Strongloop. The Loopback connector invokes Salesforce by using the REST API to perform create, retrieve, update, and delete operations on predefined and custom Salesforce object types in a Salesforce system. For more information, see the REST API Developer Guide.

The following topics contain information that you need to understand before you can use the Salesforce support in IBM Integration Bus:

See the SalesforceRequest node for information about configuring and using the SalesforceRequest node.

See Example: Retrieving all Account records from Salesforce for a step-by-step example of using a SalesforceRequest node in a message flow.