Enabling resource statistics and message flow statistics for the web user interface

When resource statistics or message flow statistics are enabled in the web user interface, subscriptions for JSON publications that are generated by the integration node are created. You can check the status of, and enable, the JSON publications to the web user interface.

About this task

You can use the following tasks to check and enable resource statistics collection and message flow statistics collection for the web user interface:

Checking the status of JSON publications

About this task

In IBM® Integration Bus Version 10.0, the JSON publications for resource statistics and message flow statistics are, by default, enabled. However, you might need to manually enable the output of the JSON publications for integration nodes that have been migrated to Version 10.0.


Check the integration node properties that enable JSON publications by running the following 2 commands from the IBM Integration Console on Windows, or the command line on other operating systems. integrationNodeName is the name of your integration node.
  1. mqsireportproperties integrationNodeName -b pubsub -o MQTTServer -a
    The command returns a response similar to the following example:
  2. mqsireportproperties integrationNodeName -b pubsub -o OperationalEvents/MQTT -a
    The command returns a response similar to the following example:

Enabling JSON publications

About this task

If the responses to the mqsireportproperties commands in the previous task indicate that JSON publications are not enabled, you can activate JSON publications by using the mqsichangeproperties command.


  1. Enable JSON publications by running the following 2 commands from the IBM Integration Console on Windows, or the command line on other operating systems. integrationNodeName is the name of your integration node.
    1. mqsichangeproperties integrationNodeName -b pubsub -o MQTTServer -n enabled -v true
    2. mqsichangeproperties integrationNodeName -b pubsub -o OperationalEvents/MQTT -n enabled -v true
  2. To ensure that the changes take effect, restart the integration node.