Enabling the exception log

The exception log enables the diagnosis of exceptions that occur at any time during processing on an integration server.

About this task

The exception log resource manager enables data relating to exceptions that occur at any time during processing on an integration server to be recorded, in an exception log, so that the message flow developer or administrator can diagnose such exceptions. The exception log is particularly useful when you are trying to diagnose exceptions that are not reported to the error log because the exception has been handled in a message flow. The exception log is controlled by three properties that are available on the mqsichangeproperties command. The values of these properties can be viewed by using the mqsireportproperties command.

Even if the exception is not present in the error log meaning that it has been handled by flow logic, the exception is added to the exception log.

The exception log is written to the following location:
The exception log is a rolling collection of 4 files; when a file is full, data is added to the next file. When the last file has been filled, data starts to be added to the first file, overwriting the previous data there. This cycle of writing continues, ensuring that the newest data is retained. Restarting the integration server causes the previous log to be moved and a numeric suffix added to it.
The exception log includes:
  • A summary or short description of the exception.
  • A list of the exception's inserts.
  • Message numbers of any nested exceptions.
  • Optionally, details recorded by the Flow Thread Reporter. If the exception occurs in a message flow, the Flow Thread Reporter provides data to enable you to identify the location in the message flow at which the exception occurred.
Exceptions are listed in the order of their creation.


Enable the exception log by issuing the mqsichangeproperties command.
To enable the exception log and set it to include details of any nested exceptions and additional information from the Flow Thread Reporter:
mqsichangeproperties integrationNodeName -e integrationServerName -o ExceptionLog 
-n enabled,showNestedExceptionDetails,includeFlowThreadReporter -v true,true,true  
where integrationNodeName and integrationServerName are the names of your integration node and integration server.