Parameter values for the ExceptionLog resource manager

You can set properties for the exception log resource manager by specifying the integration node name, the integration server name, and -o Exceptionlog.

For an example of how to change parameters for the exception log resource manager, see mqsichangeproperties command. You must restart the integration node for all changes to be implemented.

-n enabled
Controls whether the exception log is enabled.
Valid values are true and false.
The default value is false.
-n showNestedExceptionDetails
Controls whether the exception log includes the details of any nested exceptions.
Valid values are true and false.
By default, the exception log does not include the details of any nested exceptions because they will already have been printed earlier in the log. Setting this option to true results in nested exceptions being re-printed, which is useful if your exception log has multiple concurrent exceptions. However, it might not be obvious which previous entry relates to the current exception.
-n includeFlowThreadReporter
Controls whether, if an exception occurs on a message flow thread, additional information from the Flow Thread Reporter is added to the exception log. The additional information includes the flow thread history and stack. This information is quite verbose but is useful if you want to identify the precise location in a flow that an exception occurred, or what the passage through the flow was.
Valid values are true and false.
The default value is false.