Sending timeout request messages

To set a controlled timeout, send a message with a set of elements with well known names to a TimeoutControl node. These elements control the properties of the timeout to be created or deleted.

Elements and format

The following example shows the elements and format of a timeout request message, showing the well known names and permissible values.

  <Action>SET | CANCEL</Action>
  <Identifier>String (any alphanumeric string)</Identifier>
  <StartDate>String (TODAY | yyyy-mm-dd)</StartDate>
  <StartTime>String (NOW | hh:mm:ss)</StartTime>
  <Interval>Integer (seconds)</Interval>
  <Count>Integer (greater than 0 or -1)</Count>
  <IgnoreMissed>TRUE | FALSE</IgnoreMissed>
  <AllowOverwrite>TRUE | FALSE</AllowOverwrite>

Message fields

The following table describes the fields in the message. The column headed M indicates whether the property is mandatory, and the column headed C indicates whether the property is configurable.

Property M C Default Description
Action Yes No None Set this element to either SET or CANCEL. An error is generated if you omit this element or set it to a different value. If you set it to CANCEL, the only other element that is required is the Identifier, which must match the Identifier of the TimeoutRequest that is to be canceled.
Identifier Yes No None Enter an alphanumeric string. An error is generated if you omit this element.
StartDate No No TODAY Set this element to TODAY or to a date specified in yyyy-mm-dd format. The default value is TODAY.
StartTime No No NOW Set this element to NOW or to a time in the future specified in hh:mm:ss format. The default value is NOW. StartTime is assumed to be the integration node's local time.

The start time can be calculated by adding an interval to the current time. If a delay occurs between the node that calculates the start time and the TimeoutControl node, the start time in the message will have passed by the time it reaches the TimeoutControl node. If the start time is more than approximately five minutes in the past, a warning is issued and the TimeoutControl node rejects the timeout request. If the start time is less than five minutes in the past, the node processes the request as if it were immediate. Therefore, ensure that the start time in the timeout request message is now or a time in the future.

Interval No Yes 0 Set this element to an integer that specifies the number of seconds between propagations of the message. The default value is 0.
Count No Yes 1 Set this element to an integer value that is either greater than 0 or is -1 (which specifies a timeout request that never expires). The default value is 1.
IgnoreMissed Yes No TRUE Set this element to TRUE or FALSE to control whether timeouts that occur while either the integration node or the timeout notification flow is stopped, are processed the next time that the integration node or timeout notification flow is started. The default value is TRUE, which means that missed timeouts are ignored by the TimeoutNotification node when the integration node or message flow is started. If this value is set to FALSE, the missed timeouts are all processed immediately by the TimeoutNotification node when the flow is started.

You must set the Request Persistence property of the TimeoutControl node to Yes or Automatic (with the originating request message being persistent) for the stored timeouts to persist beyond the restart of the integration node or the timeout notification flow.

AllowOverwrite N N TRUE Set this element to TRUE or FALSE, to specify whether subsequent timeout requests with a matching Identifier can overwrite this timeout request. The default value is TRUE.

How the TimeoutControl node uses these values

Set the Request Location on the TimeoutControl node to InputRoot.XML.TimeoutRequest to read these properties. If you want to obtain properties from a different part of your message, specify the appropriate correlation name for the parent element for the properties. The correlation name for the parent element can be in the local environment.

For details of how the TimeoutControl uses these values, see TimeoutControl node