Obtaining transaction dumps

Obtain a Transaction dump by issuing a IEATDUMP macro in an authorized or unauthorized program.

In a sysplex, authorized applications might need dumps from more than one address space to collect all of the problem data. These dumps need to be requested at the same time. To request these multiple dumps, issue a IEATDUMP macro with a REMOTE parameter specifying the other address spaces involved in the problem. To help you set up these requests, the parameter can contain wildcards. If the installation gives names that form patterns to the systems in the sysplex and to jobs for associated work, you can use wildcards, * and ?, to specify the names. For example, use the name TRANS? for the jobnames TRANS1, TRANS2, and TRANS3 and the name TRANS* for TRANS1, TRANS12, and TRANS123.

Note: If a Transaction dump uses the REMOTE parameter to dump one or more address spaces on a pre-release 4 system, the result will be a single SVC dump containing the requested data, instead of one or more Transaction dumps written to data set names specified with the DSN parameter. Issue the DISPLAY DUMP,STATUS command to determine the name of this SVC dump.