Transaction dump

A transaction dump provides a representation of the virtual storage for an address space when an error occurs. Typically, an application requests the dump from a recovery routine when an unexpected error occurs. Transaction dumps are requested as follows:

Each Transaction dump also contains a summary dump, if requested. The summary dump supplies copies of selected data areas taken at the time of the request. Specifying a summary dump also provides a means of dumping many predefined data areas simply by specifying one option. This summary dump data is not mixed with the Transaction dump because in most cases it is chronologically out of step. Instead, each data area selected in the summary dump is separately formatted and identified. IBM® recommends that you request summary dump data.

This section includes information system programmers need to know about Transaction dump and Transaction dump processing:
See z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for information any programmer needs to know about programming the IEATDUMP macro to obtain a Transaction Dump: