Unformatted USR trace record

An unformatted user trace record represents processing of a GTRACE macro when a formatting routine is not supplied.

USR AID hh FID hhhh EID hhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh ....
AID hh
Application identifier, which should always be AID FF.
FID hhhh
Format identifier of the routine (AMDUSRhh) that was to format this record. See Format Identifiers (FIDs) for USR trace records for a list of the FIDs and associated formatting routines for user trace records.
EID hhhh
Event identifier, which identifies the event that produced the record. See Event Identifiers (EIDs) for USR trace records for a list of the EIDs and associated products for USR trace records.
hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh ....
Recorded data (268 bytes maximum). The data are as follows:
  • Bytes 0-3: ASCB address
  • Bytes 4-11: jobname
  • Bytes 12-256: user data