Examples of running AMDSADDD in batch mode

The following examples show how to use JCL to allocate and initialize dump data sets.
Note: Because users cannot be prompted to enter values when invoking the AMDSADDD REXX utility in batch mode, you must specify all parameters in the order listed.

Start of changeFigure 1 shows how to use JCL to allocate and initialize the dump data set SYS1.SADMP.A1 on VOL=SER=ZOSSVA with a size of 2653 cylinders. The BASIC type of data set is allocated because the dsntype parameter is not specified.End of change

Figure 1. Example: Using JCL to allocate and initialize a dump data setStart of change
//SYSTSPRT   DD  SYSOUT=*                   
//SYSTSIN    DD  *                          
EXEC 'SYS1.SBLSCLI0(AMDSADDD)' +            
     'DEFINE ZOSSVA(SYS1.SADMP.A1) 3390 2653 N'
End of change

Figure 2 shows how to use JCL to allocate and initialize an extended format dump data set named SADMP.DS on VOL=SER=USRDS1 with a size of 2953 cylinders in the cylinder-managed space.

Figure 2. Example: Using JCL to allocate and initialize an extended format dump data set
//SAMPLE  JOB ‘S3031,B707000,S=C’, ‘BATCH EXAMPLE’, RD=R,
//SYSTSIN    DD  *
‘DEFINE USRDS1(SADMP.DS)(3390,storclas) 2953 Y EXTREQ OPT’