Using the AMDSADDD utility

The REXX utility AMDSADDD resides in SYS1.SBLSCLI0. This section describes how to use the AMDSADDD REXX utility to:

The IPCS SADMP dump data set utility performs the same functions as the AMDSADDD REXX utility. See SADMP option on the IPCS Dialog in z/OS MVS IPCS User's Guide for more information. See z/OS MVS IPCS Customization for more information on the migration tasks involving AMDSADDD.

The data set allocated by the AMDSADDD REXX utility must have these characteristics:

All stand-alone dump data sets that are SMS managed must have a STORCLAS with the GUARANTEED_SPACE attribute.

All DSORG=PS-E data sets must:
For SMS to honor the allocation request, your installation's automatic class selection (ACS) routines must be configured to do so. For instructions on setting up an SMS environment, see the following publications:

You provide the volume, dump data set name, unit, space, and catalog disposition on the invocation of the AMDSADDD REXX utility. If multiple volumes are specified, then a multi-volume data set is allocated and formatted. Up to 16 volumes can be specified, all having the same device type. The amount of space specified for the data set is allocated on each volume.

Special control information is written to multi-volume data sets to allow all of the volumes to be located when the data set is written to. This includes the device number of the volume. The data set is not usable by stand-alone dump if the control information is missing or invalid. If a volume of a multi-volume data set is moved to a new device number, the data set must be re-initialized to update the control information. The data set cannot be used by a system that has the volumes attached at a device number different than the system which writes the control information.

When using multi-volume data sets, it is highly recommended that they be cataloged. This simplifies processing, as IPCS can easily be used to format and copy the dump data in the cataloged data sets.

Note: REXX requires that the specified parameters appear in the order listed. If you do not specify a parameter, the AMDSADDD REXX utility prompts for a specification of that parameter.
           volser{(data set name)} 
          (type[,[STORCLAS][,[DATACLAS][,[MGMTCLAS]]]]) [space]


          (volumelist){(data set name)}
          (type[,[STORCLAS][,[DATACLAS][,[MGMTCLAS]]]]) [space]
The name of the REXX utility.
Indicates the function to be performed by the AMDSADDD REXX utility:
Allocates and initializes a new dump data set.
Initializes an existing dump data set again. After you use CLEAR, the data set is ready for use.
Deletes an existing SYS1.SADMP dump data set, then reallocates and reinitializes a new SYS1.SADMP dump data set on the same volume. Use REALLOC, for example, to increase the size of the dump data set. If the existing dump data set does not exist, AMDSADDD converts the function to a DEFINE request and continue using DEFINE processing. If the request to reallocate and reinitialize a new SYS1.SADMP dump data set cannot be satisfied (for example, if you attempt to reallocate SYS1.SADMP using more cylinders than are available), AMDSADDD might delete the existing SYS1.SADMP dump data set.
Note: When specifying the REALLOC option for an existing multi-volume data set, the same list of volumes must be specified as when the dataset was originally allocated.
volser{(data set name)}
Indicates the VOL=SER= name of the volume on which the dump data set is to be allocated. Do not use the stand-alone dump residence volume or the volumes containing the system paging data sets. Optionally, also defines the dump data set name to be allocated on the volume. If data set name is specified, it must:
  • be fully qualified (without quotation marks)
  • have a length of 44 characters or less
  • contain the text 'SADMP' as either part of, or as an entire data set qualifier.
Note: If no data set name is specified, the AMDSADDD utility will allocate the data set SYS1.SADMP on the specified volume.
(vollist){(data set name)}
vollist is a comma delineated list of volsers to use for the data set. A multi-volume data set will be allocated using the list of volumes. The device number of the first volume is used to specify the data set to stand-alone dump.

Tip: When you take a stand-alone dump to a multi-volume data set it will be striped and take significantly less time to capture.

Type indicates the device type on which the dump data set should be allocated. Valid DASD types are 3380, 3390, and 9345.
The SMS storage class.
The SMS data class.
The SMS management class.

For additional information on these classes, see z/OS MVS JCL Reference.

Indicates the number of cylinders for the dump data set to be allocated. For a multi-volume data set, this amount is allocated on each volume.

The size of your dump output depends on your storage configuration and how much of that storage you choose to dump using the options of stand-alone dump. To estimate how much space, in cylinders, to allocate for your dump data set, use the number of cylinders of DASD that a typical dump to tape consumes when it has been copied to DASD for IPCS processing. If you do not allocate enough space, the stand-alone dump program prompts the operator, through message AMD001A and message AMD002A (if DDSPROMPT=YES was specified on the AMDSADMP macro), to specify a different device and/or a different dump data set so that dumping can continue.

The space option is not required with the CLEAR parameter. The space option is, however, required with the DEFINE and REALLOC parameters.

Specifies whether the system is to catalog the dump data set. If you want the data set to be cataloged, specify YES or Y. If you do not want the data set to be cataloged, specify NO or N. Specifying N allows you to allocate multiple dump data sets with the same name.

The catalog option is not required with the CLEAR parameter. The catalog option is, however, required with the DEFINE and REALLOC parameters.

Indicates the DSNTYPE of the dump data set to be defined.

EXTREQ requests an extended format dump data set. This data set must have the attribute DSNTYPE=EXTREQ. This attribute allows the system to place the data set in cylinder-managed space on extended access volumes.

LARGE requests a large format dump data set, one with attribute DSNTYPE=LARGE that the system allows to span more than 64K tracks per volume.

BASIC indicates that a large format dump data set is not desired. BASIC can be associated with a conventional dump data set or an extended sequential dump data set, depending on other options. BASIC is the default.

The dsntype option is not required with CLEAR parameter. The dsntype is optional with DEFINE and REALLOC parameters. The dsntype option with REALLOC must match with the existing dsntype option.

Indicates the extended attributes of a dump data set. The EATTR option is not required with the CLEAR parameter.

OPT requests that extended attributes are optional. The system might store the dump data set in the cylinder-managed space on extended access volumes.

NO request that extended attributes are not required. The default value is NO.

Figure 1 shows an example of using the AMDSADDD REXX utility to allocate and initialize the dump data set with a size of 350 cylinders and a VOL=SER= of SAMPLE. Because no data set name is specified, AMDSADDD allocates the dump data set SYS1.SADMP on the volume SAMPLE.

Note: Stand-alone dump does not issue error messages during the processing of AMDSADDD. Stand-alone dump does, however, pass messages to the operator from other sources, such as the TSO/E ALLOC command.
Figure 1. Using AMDSADDD to Allocate and Initialize a Dump Data Set
 -------------------------  TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR  -------------------
 ===> exec 'sys1.sblscli0(amdsaddd)'
 What function do you want?
 Please enter DEFINE if you want to allocate a new dump dataset
 Please enter CLEAR if you want to clear an existing dump dataset
 Please enter REALLOC if you want to reallocate and clear an existing
        dump dataset
 Please enter QUIT if you want to leave this procedure
 Please enter VOLSER or VOLSER(dump_dataset_name)
 Please enter the device type for the dump dataset
 Device type choices are 3380 or 3390 or 9345
 Please enter the number of cylinders
 Do you want the dump dataset to be cataloged?
 Please respond Y or N
Specify the DSNTYPE. Reply BASIC or LARGE
 IKJ56650I TIME-11:00:00 PM. CPU-00:00:00 SERVICE-20191 SESSION-00:09:55 JUNE
Initializing output dump dataset with a null record:
Dump dataset has been successfully initialized

Results of the DEFINE request:

  Dump Dataset Name    : SYS1.SADMP
  Volume               : SAMPLE
  Device Type          : 3380
  Allocated Amount     : 350 

Figure 2 shows an example of using the AMDSADDD utility to allocate and initialize an extended format dump data set ‘SADMP.SAMPLE’ with a size of 400 cylinders in the cylinder-managed space. This SMS managed dump data set spans multiple volumes SADPK1 and SADPK2. In an extended address volume environment, some systems might round up the cylinders causing the requested amount and allocated amount to be different. In this case, a message is displayed that indicates the requested amount of cylinders and the allocated amount of cylinders.

Figure 2. Using AMDSADDD to Allocate and Initialize an Extended Dump Data Set
 -------------------------  TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR  -------------------
 ===> exec 'sys1.sblscli0(amdsaddd)'
 What function do you want?
 Please enter DEFINE if you want to allocate a new dump dataset
 Please enter CLEAR if you want to clear an existing dump dataset
 Please enter REALLOC if you want to reallocate and clear an existing
        dump dataset
 Please enter QUIT if you want to leave this procedure
 Please enter VOLSER or VOLSER(dump_dataset_name) or (VOLLIST)
 or (VOLLIST)(dump_dataset_name)
 Please enter the device type for the dump dataset
 Device type choices are 3380 or 3390 or 9345
 Please enter the number of cylinders (per volume)
 Do you want the dump dataset to be cataloged?
 Please respond Y or N
 Specify the DSNTYPE. Reply BASIC or LARGE or EXTREQ
 Specify the extended attributes for the dump dataset. Reply OPT or NO 
TIME-11:54:59 PM. CPU-00:00:00 SERVICE-58954 SESSION-00:07:25 AUGUST 1,2009

Note: Allocated space does not match requested amount
Amount allocated:  420
Amount requested:  400
Initializing output dump dataset with a null record:
Dump dataset has been successfully initialized

Results of the DEFINE request:

  Dump Dataset Name    : SADMP.SAMPLE
  Volume               : SADPK1
  Device Type          : 3390
  Allocated Amount     : 420 (per volume)

Figure 3 shows an example of using the AMDSADDD REXX utility to clear (reinitialize) an existing dump data set called SADMP.DDS1 on VOL=SER=SAMPLE. In this example, the parameters are part of the invocation of the utility; therefore, AMDSADDD does not prompt for values.

Figure 3. Using AMDSADDD to Clear an Existing Dump Data Set
 -------------------------  TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR  ---------------------
 ===> exec exec 'sys1.sblscli0(amdsaddd)' 'clear sample(sadmp.dds1) 3380'
IKJ56650I TIME-11:00:00 PM. CPU-00:00:00 SERVICE-20191 SESSION-00:09:55 JUNE
Initializing output dump dataset with a null record:
Dump dataset has been successfully initialized
Results of the CLEAR request:

  Dump Dataset Name    : SADMP.DDS1
  Volume               : SAMPLE
  Device Type          : 3380
  Allocated Amount     : 350


Figure 4 shows an example of using the AMDSADDD REXX utility to allocate a new dump data set called SYSTEM1.SADMPDDS on VOL=SER=SMS001. In this example, the parameters are part of the invocation of the utility; therefore, AMDSADDD does not prompt for values.

Note: In an SMS environment, it is possible to have the dump data set cataloged on a different volume than the one specified. If the dump data set is allocated on a different volume, AMDSADDD issues an error message and exits. In Figure 4, the dump data set was not allocated on the specified volume causing AMDSADDD to delete the dump data set, issue an error message and quit.
Figure 4. Using AMDSADDD to Reallocate the Dump Data Set
-----------------------TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR------------------------
===>exec exec 'sys1.sblscli0(amdsaddd)' ‘Define SMS001(SYSTEM1.SADMPDDS) 3390 100 Y LARGE’
IKJ56650I TIME-11:00:00 PM. CPU-00:00:00 SERVICE-20191 SESSION-00:09:55
JUNE 14,1994

	Error: output dump dataset not allocated on specified volume  SMS001
	Try using a Storage Class with Guaranteed Space
