Can I dump to multiple dump data sets?

Stand-alone dump does allow you to dump to multiple dump data sets. By coding the DDSPROMPT=YES keyword on the AMDSADMP macro, you can generate a stand-alone dump program that allows run-time dump data set prompting.

When the Stand-alone dump program is initiated, message AMD001A is issued to prompt the operator for an output device. If a DASD device is specified and run-time dump data set prompting is active, message AMD002A is issued to prompt the operator for a dump data set name. Providing the dump data set is validly allocated and initialized on the output device, the stand-alone dump program uses the dump data set name specified. If message AMD099I is issued indicating that the dump data set is full, the operator can continue dumping to any stand-alone dump supported DASD dump data set or tape device by replying to message AMD001A (and possibly AMD002A) again. After the dump completes, message AMD104I is issued to indicate the entire set of devices and/or dump data sets that were used during the taking of the dump.

By coding DDSPROMPT=NO on the AMDSADMP macro, the stand-alone dump program is generated without run-time dump data set prompting. In this case, replying to message AMD001A with a DASD device causes the stand-alone dump program to assume that the output dump data set is named SYS1.SADMP.

  1. Use the AMDSADDD REXX or the IPCS SADMP dump data set utilities to allocate and initialize the stand-alone dump data sets.
  2. The stand-alone dump program must locate the dump data set on the device that is specified. Therefore, it is imperative that the necessary data set management steps be taken so that the stand-alone dump data sets are not placed into a migrated state or moved to a different volume. The dump data sets must also be exempt from any space management processing that releases unused space.
  3. You can continue a dump to any stand-alone dump supported device, however, after a tape device is selected, it must be used to complete the dump even though multiple tape volumes might be required.
See the following topics for more information: