Syntax of the AMDSADMP macro

Figure 1 shows the syntax of the AMDSADMP macro and its parameters.

Figure 1. Format of AMDSADMP Macro Instruction
[symbol] AMDSADMP




[,CONSOLE=({cnum|(cnum,ctype) [,(cnum,ctype)]...|01F,3278})]















An arbitrary name you can assign to the AMDSADMP macro. stand-alone dump uses this symbol to create a job name for use in the initialization step.
The name of the macro.
Indicates the device number, device type, or esoteric name of the stand-alone dump residence volume. The first character indicates the volume type; T for tape, D for DASD.stand-alone dump uses the unit character string as the UNIT=value to allocate the residence volume for initialization.

A device number consists of 1 to 4 hexadecimal digits. To distinguish a device number from a unit type, the device number must be preceded by a slash (/); for example, you could specify IPL=D/410F. Otherwise, the dynamic allocation of the IPL device (IPLDEV DD-statement) may fail with reason code X'021C' (unavailable system resource).

The default is IPL=DSYSDA. When you specify IPL=T, stand-alone dump assumes T3400. When you specify IPL=D, stand-alone dump assumes DSYSDA.

  1. This device also contains a work file used during stand-alone dump processing.
  2. It is not recommended to place the IPL text of stand-alone dump on a volume that contains page data sets. A restart of stand-alone dump (see Running the stand-alone dump program) hangs during the real dump phase in this case.
Indicates the volume serial number the system is to use to allocate the residence volume for initialization. When you specify a tape volume, it must be NL (no labels). VOLSER=SADUMP is the default.
Indicates whether stand-alone dump deletes (PURGE) or retains (NOPURGE) existing user labels on a DASD residence volume.When you specify NOPURGE, the stand-alone dump program is written on cylinder 0 track 0 of the residence volume, immediately following all user labels. If the user labels occupy so much space that the stand-alone dump program does not fit on track 0, the initialization program issues an error message and ends.

ULABEL=NOPURGE is the default.

Indicates the device numbers and device types of the stand-alone dump consoles that stand-alone dump is to use while taking the dump. When you specify CONSOLE=cnum, stand-alone dump assumes (cnum,3278). You can specify from two to 21 consoles by coding:

A device number consists of 3 or 4 hexadecimal digits, optionally preceded by a slash (/). Use a slash preceding a 4-digit device number to distinguish it from a device type.

The 3277, 3278, 3279, and 3290 device types are valid, and are interchangeable.

CONSOLE=(01F,3278) is the default.

You can specify CONSOLE=SYSC for the first console only. SYSC is a constant representing the hardware system console.

Note: The specification of CONSOLE does not affect the availability of the system console.
Specifies the UNIT=value of the device that stand-alone dump uses for work files during stand-alone dump initialization. You can specify the device as a group name (for example, SYSDA), a device type (for example, 3330), or a unit address (for example, 131). SYSUT=SYSDA is the default.
Indicates the device type, number, and data set name that stand-alone dump uses as a default value if the operator uses the EXTERNAL INTERRUPT key to bypass console communication, or if the operator provides a null response to message AMD001A during stand-alone dump initialization. OUTPUT=T0282 is the default.

The device type can be specified as either a ‘T’ for tape or ‘D’ for DASD.

The device number consists of 3 or 4 hexadecimal digits, optionally preceded by a slash (/). Use a slash preceding a 4-digit device number to distinguish it from a device type.

If the default device is a DASD, you can also set up a default dump data set name to use by specifying both the device and the dump data set name on the OUTPUT= parameter. You can specify the first volume of a multi-volume DASD data set. If you specify a default dump data set name it must:
  • Have a length that is 44 characters or less.
  • Contain the text ‘SADMP’ as either part of, or as an entire data set qualifier.
Note that AMDSADMP processing does not allocate the data set or check to see that a valid MVS™ data set name has been provided. Therefore, you should insure that:
  • The AMDSADDD REXX is used to allocate and initialize the same data set name specified on the OUTPUT= keyword.
  • The data set name specified should be fully qualified (without quotation marks).
  • The necessary data set management steps are taken so that the stand-alone dump data sets are not placed into a migrated state or moved to a different volume.
  • Alphabetic characters appearing in the dump data set name should be specified as capital letters.

If the default DASD device is to be used and no dump data set name is provided, the stand-alone dump program assumes that the default dump data set name is SYS1.SADMP if the DDSPROMPT=NO parameter was also specified. Otherwise, if DDSPROMPT=YES was specified, the stand-alone dump program prompts the operator at runtime for a dump data set name to use.

  1. At run-time, only a null response to message AMD001A causes the stand-alone dump program to use the default device and/or dump data set name.
  2. Do not place a data set that is intended to contain a stand-alone dump on a volume that also contains a page data set that the stand-alone dump program might need to dump. When stand-alone dump initializes a page volume for virtual dump processing, it checks to see if the output dump data set also exists on this volume. If it does, the stand-alone dump program issues message AMD100I and does not retrieve any data from page data sets on this volume. Thus, the dump might not contain all of the data that you requested. This lack of data can impair subsequent diagnosis.
  3. You cannot direct output to the stand-alone dump residence volume.
Indicates additional virtual storage that you want dumped. This storage is described as address ranges, dataspaces, and subpools in address spaces. When you do not specify DUMP, stand-alone dump does not dump any additional storage unless you specify PROMPT. See Using the DUMP or ADDSUMM keyword to request additional storage or address spaces for more information.
Causes stand-alone dump, at run time, to prompt the operator for additional virtual storage to be dumped. The operator can respond with the same information that can be specified for the DUMP keyword. When you do not specify PROMPT, stand-alone dump does not prompt the operator to specify additional storage. See Using the DUMP or ADDSUMM keyword to request additional storage or address spaces for more information.
Indicates the type of stand-alone dump messages that appear on the console. When you specify ACTION, stand-alone dump writes only messages that require operator action. When you specify ALL, stand-alone dump writes most messages to the console. However, messages AMD010I, AMD057I, AMD076I, AMD081I, and AMD102I appear only in the stand-alone dump message log. When you specify ALLASIDS, the stand-alone dump program behaves as if MSG=ALL was specified, except that message AMD010I also appears on the console. ALL is the default.

This keyword has no effect on the stand-alone dump message log; even if you specify MSG=ACTION, the stand-alone dump virtual dump program writes all messages to the message log in the dump.

Indicates the status of the address spaces that are to be included in the minimal dump. Specify PHYSIN to dump the minimum virtual storage (LSQA and selected system subpools) for the physically swapped-in address spaces only. Specify ALL to dump the minimum virtual storage (LSQA and selected system subpools) for all of the address spaces. ALL is the default. At run time, if PHYSIN was specified, stand-alone dump writes message AMD082I to the operator's console to warn the operator that some virtual storage might be excluded from the dump.
COMPACT(YES) compacts the data stored on a tape cartridge if theIDRC hardware feature is available on your tape drive. If the IDRC feature is available and you do not specify the COMPACT keyword, the default is YES, so that IDRC compacts the dump data. Otherwise, the data is handled as usual.
Indicates whether stand-alone dump should reuse the dump data set on the specified output device when it determines that the data set is valid, however, it can contain data from a previous dump. Stand-alone dump determines this by checking to see if the first record in the data set matches the record that is written by the AMDSADDD rexx utility. When you specify ALWAYS, stand-alone dump issues message AMD094I and reuses the specified dump data set. When you specify NEVER, stand-alone dump issues message AMD093I and prompts the operator, through message AMD001A, for an output device. When you specify CHOICE, stand-alone dump informs the operator, with message AMD096A, that the data set is not reinitialized and requests permission to reuse the data set. See for more information about defining, clearing, and reallocating the dump data set.

CHOICE is the default.

Specifies the volume serial number and UNIT=value of the volume that contains all of the following system data sets:

This parameter is valid only when you are generating the stand-alone dump program using two-stage generation.

Note: The specification of the NUCLIB, LNKLIB, or MODLIB parameters overrides the corresponding value specified on the ALIB parameter.

See Using two-stage generation of stand-alone dump when migrating for information on the use of this parameter.

Specifies the volume serial number and UNIT=value of the volume that contains the system data set SYS1.NUCLEUS. If you specify NUCLIB, there is no need to specify IPLTEXT, IPITEXT, DVITEXT, DPLTEXT and PGETEXT DD statements. Beginning with z/OS® V1R12, this parameter is valid for one-stage generation JCL. Prior to z/OS V1R12, this parameter is valid only when you generate the stand-alone dump program using two-stage generation. See One-stage generation for information on the use of this parameter.
Specifies the volume serial number and UNIT=value of the volume that contains the system data set SYS1.MODGEN. This parameter is valid only when you generate the stand-alone dump program using two-stage generation. See Using two-stage generation of stand-alone dump when migrating for information on the use of this parameter.
Specifies the volume serial number and UNIT=value of the volume that contains the system data set SYS1.LINKLIB. This parameter is valid only when you generate the stand-alone dump program using two-stage generation. See Using two-stage generation of stand-alone dump when migrating for information on the use of this parameter.
DDSPROMPT=YES allows the stand-alone dump program to prompt the operator for an output dump data set when dumping to a DASD device. When DDSPROMPT=YES is specified, after replying to message AMD001A with a DASD device number, message AMD002A is also issued to prompt the operator for a dump data set name.

DDSPROMPT=NO indicates that the stand-alone dump program should not prompt for a dump data set name when dumping to a DASD device. When DDSPROMPT=NO is specified, after replying to message AMD001A with a DASD device number, the stand-alone dump program uses data set SYS1.SADMP. DDSPROMPT=NO is the default.

Note that regardless of the DDSPROMPT= keyword value, you can always use a default device and dump data set name by specifying the OUTPUT=(Dunit,ddsname) keyword. The stand-alone dump program uses the default values specified on the OUTPUT= keyword when the operator uses the EXTERNAL INTERRUPT key to bypass console communication, or if the operator provides a null response to message AMD001A.

If AMD029=NO is specified, SADMP does not issue AMD029D when a 3270 console screen becomes full. SADMP behaves as if the operator had replied NO to AMD029D. This parameter is meaningless when the system console is used, because AMD029D is never issued for the system console. AMD029 =YES is the default.
If IPLEXIST=YES is specified, SADMP includes IPLEXIST with the ICKDSF parameters, so that ICKDSF does not prompt the operator with message ICK21836D if there is already IPL text on the volume. IPLEXIST=NO is the default.
Indicates additional address spaces that you want dumped during a summary phase. Default summary address spaces are always dumped during a summary phase. If you do not specify ADDSUMM, stand-alone dump dumps only the default summary address spaces unless you specify PROMPT, in which case you have the opportunity to dump additional address spaces at run time. See Using the DUMP or ADDSUMM keyword to request additional storage or address spaces for more information.