Lost event records

A lost event record indicates that GTF lost the trace records for one or more events because of an error or overflow of the trace buffer.

Record Format When GTF Trace Buffer is Lost due to Error

  **** ONE TRACE BUFFER LOST TIME hh.mm.ss.dddddd
The time of day (hour.minute.second.microsecond) when GTF placed the first trace record in the buffer.
The size of the GTF trace buffer is:

Record Format for Number of Trace Events Lost due to Errors or Trace Buffer Overflow

  ****** LOST EVENTS NUM ddddddddddddd LOCAL TIME mm/dd/yyyy hh.mm.ss.nnnnnn ***
The number of lost events
The date (in month/day/year format) when GTF placed the first trace record in the current trace buffer.
The time of day (hour.minute.second.microsecond) when GTF placed the first trace record in the current trace buffer.