Prepare for specific component traces on systems in a sysplex

The system programmer performs the tasks.

1. Create a Parmlib Member to Start the Traces: Create a parmlib member to start the traces of the component. Place the member in the shared SYS1.PARMLIB for the sysplex or in the parmlib for each system to be traced. If a parmlib member is used for each system, give it the same name so that one TRACE CT command can start all the component traces on the systems. See Create CTncccxx parmlib members for some components.

Example: CTWXCF33 to Start XCF Trace: For XCF, create CTWXCF33 to start the trace.

The directions for the task assume that a parmlib member can be used. If the component to be traced does not have a parmlib member, the operator can start it with a TRACE CT command in a ROUTE command. The operator has to enter a reply for each system. (The ROUTE command can be used only on MVS™ systems with JES2.)

2. Make Sure the component trace Buffers Will Be Dumped: The location of the address-space and data-space trace buffers depends on the component being traced. For XCF, the extended local system queue area (ELSQA) of the XCF address space contains the XCF component trace buffers. For XES, IXLCTCAD, a data space associated with the XCF address space, contains the XES component trace buffers.

Example: Obtaining XCF and XES Trace Buffers: