z/OS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration
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Using NaviQuest

z/OS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration

DFSMS NaviQuest is a data and storage management tool for implementing, testing, and verifying the SMS environment. NaviQuest is installed under the Interactive Storage Management Facility (ISMF) Primary Option Menu and uses the standard Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) panel interface.

With NaviQuest you can:
  • Create SMS implementation test cases

    Initially, you might use NaviQuest in the design and testing phase of your first automatic class selection (ACS) routines and SMS configuration.

  • Run selected SMS testing functions in batch
  • Update SMS configuration values in batch

    NaviQuest lets you run jobs in batch to list, alter, delete or define a data class, storage class, management class, storage group, aggregate group, or copy pool. You can also use batch mode to display a data class, storage class, management class, and aggregate group.

  • Create reports interactively or in batch

    NaviQuest reports can be used during your SMS planning and design, for both DASD and for tape data migration.

  • Perform ongoing storage administration activities

    Use NaviQuest for production assurance prior to any changes to your SMS environment. The cross-reference facilities simplify the tasks of testing and verifying SMS configuration changes.

To simplify ongoing activities, the Model Command Generator option, on the Enhanced ACS Management option menu, can be used to create a series of commands or control cards tailored with the data set name or volume serial number that is provided in an ISMF list or DCOLLECT report.

The power and capabilities of SMS require that ACS routines assign the correct data class, storage class, management class, and storage group to each data set. Implementing SMS, or any change that affects the SMS environment, must be tested. The results from the SMS configuration are unpredictable if the ACS routines have logic errors or if there are data sets that the routines are not coded to handle.

Before a SMS configuration is activated on the production system, you can:
  • Easily create test cases to perform extensive testing against test data that represent actual data sets.
  • Run the tests in batch, freeing the workstation for other work.
  • Compare the test results against the expected results.

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