Example 1: Packaging a hierarchical file system element in a function

Here is an example of a SYSMOD containing a hierarchical file system element statement to install your element and have SMP/E track any changes to it. The element:
The element can be packaged in a function, as shown in the following example:
++FUNCTION(MYHFSEL)            /* Function.            */.
++VER(Z038)                    /* For MVS SRELs.       */.
++HFSJPN(HFSELEM1)             /* Install this element */
            TXLIB(NEWHFS)      /* from this TXLIB          */
            DISTLIB(ABPXLIB)   /* into this DLIB and       */
            SYSLIB(BPXLIB1)    /* this target library.     */
            BINARY             /* Use BINARY mode.         */
            LINK('../USERHFS') /* Define linkname.         */
            SHSCRIPT(UNTAR,POST) /* Untar the file with the UNTAR exec. */.

To install the function, you need to specify DDDEF entries or DD statements for the TXLIB, DISTLIB, and SYSLIB data sets. Remember that the SYSLIB data set is actually a pathname in a UNIX file system. For an example of defining a pathname in a DDDEF entry, see Example 10: Defining pathnames in a UNIX file system.