Example 10: Defining pathnames in a UNIX file system

Assume a product you plan to add to your system contains load modules and elements that will reside in a UNIX file system. You want to have the pathnames dynamically allocated instead of having DD statements for them in a cataloged procedure. You can use the following commands to define the DDDEF entry for each pathname:
----+----1----+----2----   …   ----5----+----6----+----7--
SET      BDY(TGT1)            /* Set to target zone.      */.
UCLIN                         /*                          */.
ADD      DDDEF(BPXLIB1)       /* Specify DDDEF name.      */
         PATH('/path_name1/') /* Define pathname.         */
                              /*                          */.
ADD      DDDEF(BPXLIB2)       /* Specify DDDEF name.      */
                              /* define pathname.         */
                              /*                          */.
ENDUCL                        /*                          */.