Loading an IODF with associated MCF

Pressing the Load… button on the IODFs… dialog (Figure 2), loads an HCD IODF onto your workstation. If you want to load an existing IODF as a starting point for a new configuration, an MCF data set may already be associated with the specified IODF. In such a case, you inherit the HCM configuration file from the MCF according to the following scenario:

Scenario: Loading an IODF with associated MCF 

- User A creates a new IODF for a new configuration or works with an
  existing IODF/configuration, makes a few logical changes that affect the IODF,
  and also makes some physical-only changes (for example, create a
  cabinet/general box, named cables, and so on).
- User A MCF-enables the new configuration and closes it.
  The MCF is uploaded to the host.
- User B selects File ---> IODFs ---> Load…
  for the IODF just saved by user A and associates it to a new configuration.
- Result: The HCM configuration file for user B is created from the MCF, and user B
  sees the physical-only changes done by user A.