Choosing alternate processor definitions

If there is more than one processor defined in the IODF, HCM asks you during the loading process whether the processors are physically separate or alternate processor definitions for the same processor.

The physical processor, known in HCM as the machine, can have multiple logical processors known as shadows. For example, a processor may be defined once in BASIC mode and once in LPAR mode. The primary processor in the machine is that which is in the current logical view; at IODF load time, machine connections are built for primary processors only. Alternate or shadow processors are those not in the current view; no physical connections are built for alternate processors at IODF load time. Every processor must be assigned to a new or existing machine. The name of the machine is the name of the primary processor.

During the IODF load (or resync) process, you can confirm or change which processors are assigned to which machines. The Machines dialog automatically appears when there are new processors (added to the IODF on the host) which must be assigned to new or existing machines, or any time that some machine has more than one processor.

Figure 1. Machines dialog
Machines dialog. This dialog is accessible from the HCM product GUI and includes accessible help information.

HCM attempts to assign processors and primary / alternate status intelligently. The Machines dialog asks you to confirm or change HCM's assignments; typically, you press OK to confirm. For details on how to change HCM assignments, and how to manage shadow processors in general, see Alternate processor definitions.

After loading the IODF, the PC configuration file and the IODF are saved automatically.