Event types

Data that is sent to the MobileFirst Operational Analytics is categorized into an event type.

MobileFirst Operational Analytics contains the following event types:

Custom Data

Table 1. Custom Data Properties
Property Name Description
appID Unique Bluemix® application identifier
clientID Unique client identifier
deviceAppName Name of the MobileFirst application
deviceAppVersion Version of the MobileFirst application
deviceID Unique device identifier
deviceModel Device model name. For example: iOSiPhone3,3, AndroidGalaxy
deviceOS Device environment. For example: iOSiPhone, AndroidAndroid
deviceOSversion Device operating system version. For example: 7.0
hostname Host name of the MobileFirst Analytics server
serverIpAddress IP address of the MobileFirst Analytics server
timestamp Time the event was reported, represented as epoch time stamp in milliseconds
timezone The difference between UTC and local time, in minutes
In addition to the default properties that are logged, any custom events that are sent to MobileFirst Operational Analytics by the WL.Analytics.log method also become a property of the custom data event.


Table 2. Devices Properties
Property Name Description
appID Unique Bluemix application identifier
clientID Unique client identifier
deviceAppName Name of the MobileFirst application
deviceAppVersion Version of the MobileFirst application
deviceID Unique device identifier
deviceModel Device model name. For example: iOSiPhone3,3, AndroidGalaxy
deviceOS Device environment. For example: iOSiPhone, AndroidAndroid
deviceOSversion Device operating system version. For example: 7.0
firstAccessTimestamp Time stamp of the device's first access to a specific version of a MobileFirst application

Device App Logs

Table 3. Device App Logs Properties
Property Name Description
appID Unique Bluemix application identifier
clientID Unique client identifier
deviceAppName Name of the MobileFirst application
deviceAppVersion Version of the MobileFirst application
deviceID Unique device identifier
deviceModel Device model name. For example: iOSiPhone3,3, AndroidGalaxy
deviceOS Device environment. For example: iOSiPhone, AndroidAndroid
deviceOSversion Device operating system version. For example: 7.0
file File name of the code that recorded this log entry
level Level at which the log was recorded. For example: WARN, DEBUG
line Line number of the code that recorded this log entry
pkg Name of the logger instance that recorded this log entry
method Name of the method that recorded this log entry
message Message content of the log
stacktrace Stack trace that is associated with the log
timestamp Time the event was reported, represented as epoch time stamp in milliseconds
timezone The difference between UTC and local time, in minutes
userID Unique user identifier
wifiAPS Wireless access points
wifiConnectedMAC MAC address of the connected wireless network
wifiConnectedSSID Name of the connected wireless network
wifiTimestamp Last recorded time that the client connected to the wireless network

Device App Network Transactions

Table 4. Device App Network Transactions Properties
Property Name Description
appID Unique Bluemix application identifier
bytesReceived Number of bytes that were received
bytesSent Number of bytes that were sent
clientID Unique client identifier
deviceAppName Name of the MobileFirst application
deviceAppVersion Version of the MobileFirst application
deviceID Unique device identifier
deviceIpAddress IP address of the device
deviceModel Device model name. For example: iOSiPhone3,3, AndroidGalaxy
deviceOS Device environment. For example: iOSiPhone, AndroidAndroid
deviceOSversion Device operating system version. For example: 7.0
inboundTimestamp Time when the client receives a response to a network request
networkType Type of network connection that was used. For example: Wi-Fi, 3G
outboundTimestamp Time when the client sends a network request
resourceURL URL of the requested resource
responseCode Response or status code for the network request
roundTripTime Total duration of the transaction
timestamp Time the event was reported, represented as epoch time stamp in milliseconds
timezone The difference between UTC and local time, in minutes
trackingID Unique tracking identifier
userID Unique user identifier
userAgent Value of the User-Agent header
wifiAPS Wireless access points
wifiConnectedMAC MAC address of the connected wireless network
wifiConnectedSSID Name of the connected wireless network
wifiTimestamp Last recorded time that the client connected to the wireless network

Device App Push Action

Table 5. Device App Push Action Properties
Property Name Description
appID Unique Bluemix application identifier
clientID Unique client identifier
deviceAppName Name of the MobileFirst application
deviceAppVersion Version of the MobileFirst application
deviceID Unique device identifier
deviceModel Device model name. For example: iOSiPhone3,3, AndroidGalaxy
deviceOS Device environment. For example: iOSiPhone, AndroidAndroid
deviceOSversion Device operating system version. For example: 7.0
notificationAction The action that was taken by the application that received the push notification. For example: open, received, seen
notificationID Unique push notification identifier
timestamp Time the event was reported, represented as epoch time stamp in milliseconds
timezone The difference between UTC and local time, in minutes
userID Unique user identifier

Device App Session

Table 6. Device App Session Properties
Property Name Description
closedBy Indicates what caused the end of the session. Valid values are USER and CRASH.
deviceID Unique device identifier
deviceModel Device model name. For example: iOSiPhone3,3, AndroidGalaxy
deviceOS Device environment. For example: iOSiPhone, AndroidAndroid
deviceOSversion Device operating system version. For example: 7.0
duration The length of the usage session in milliseconds
mfpAppName Name of the MobileFirst application
mfpAppVersion Version of the MobileFirst application
timestamp Time the session started, represented as epoch time stamp in milliseconds

Mobile Users

Table 7. Mobile Users Properties
Property Name Description
appID Unique Bluemix application identifier
clientID Unique client identifier
deviceAppName Name of the MobileFirst application
deviceAppVersion Version of the MobileFirst application
deviceID Unique device identifier
deviceModel Device model name. For example: iOSiPhone3,3, AndroidGalaxy
deviceOS Device environment. For example: iOSiPhone, AndroidAndroid
deviceOSversion Device operating system version. For example: 7.0
firstAccessTimestamp Timestamp of the user's first access to a specific version of a MobileFirst application
timezone The difference between UTC and local time, in minutes
userAuthBy Name of the realm that the user authenticated with
userDisplayName The display name of the user
userID Unique user identifier

Server Logs

Table 8. Server Logs Properties
Property Name Description
appID Unique Bluemix application identifier
hostname Host name of the MobileFirst Analytics server
level Level at which the log was recorded. For example: WARN, DEBUG
loggerName Name of the logger
message Message content of the log
serverIpAddress IP address of the MobileFirst Analytics server
sourceClass Name of the class that recorded the log
sourceMethodName Name of the method that recorded the log
stacktrace Stack trace that is associated with the log
stacktraceMessage The message that was output by the exception that caused the stack trace
AndroidthreadID AndroidIdentifier of the thread that recorded the log, only captured on Android
timestamp Time the event was reported, represented as epoch time stamp in milliseconds
timezone The difference between UTC and local time, in minutes
trackingID Unique tracking identifier

Server Network Transactions

Table 9. Server Network Transactions Properties
Property Name Description
adapterName Name of the adapter that was used
appID Unique Bluemix application identifier
bytesReceived Number of bytes that were received
bytesSent Number of bytes that were sent
clientID Unique client identifier
compressed Boolean value that indicates whether the network payload was compressed
deviceAppName Name of the MobileFirst application
deviceAppVersion Version of the MobileFirst application
deviceID Unique device identifier
deviceModel Device model name. For example: iOSiPhone3,3, AndroidGalaxy
deviceOS Device environment. For example: iOSiPhone, AndroidAndroid
deviceOSversion Device operating system version. For example: 7.0
hostname Host name of the MobileFirst Analytics server
inboundRequestURL URL of the inbound request
inboundTimestamp Time when the reporting server received the client network request
outboundTimestamp Time when the reporting server responds to the client network request
procedureName Name of the adapter procedure
serverIpAddress IP address of the MobileFirst Analytics server
serverProcessingTime Total amount of time the server took to respond
sessionID Unique session identifier
timestamp Time the event was reported, represented as epoch time stamp in milliseconds
timezone The difference between UTC and local time, in minutes
trackingID Unique tracking identifier
userAgent Value of the User-Agent header
userAuthBy Name of the realm that the user authenticated with
userDisplayName The display name of the user
userID Unique user identifier

Server Push Notifications

Table 10. Server Push Notifications Properties
Property Name Description
appID Unique Bluemix application identifier
clientID Unique client identifier
destNumber Phone number of the target recipient
deviceAppName Name of the MobileFirst application
deviceAppVersion Version of the MobileFirst application
deviceID Unique device identifier
deviceModel Device model name. For example: iOSiPhone3,3, AndroidGalaxy
deviceOS Device environment. For example: iOSiPhone, AndroidAndroid
deviceOSversion Device operating system version. For example: 7.0
eventSource The push notification channel that generated the push notification
hostname Host name of the MobileFirst Analytics server
mediator Entity that processed the notification
messagePushTimestamp Timestamp when the push notification was sent from the server
messageText Message content of the push notification
AndroidnotificationCountAndroid AndroidNumber of push notifications that target recipients for AndroidAndroid
iOSnotificationCountIOS iOSNumber of push notifications that target recipients for iOSiOS
notificationCountWindows Number of push notifications that target recipients for Windows
notificationCountWeb Number of push notifications that target recipients for Web
notificationID Unique push notification identifier
senderID Identifier of the user who initiated the push notification
serverIpAddress IP address of the MobileFirst Analytics server
timestamp Time the event was reported, represented as epoch time stamp in milliseconds
timezone The difference between UTC and local time, in minutes

Server Push Subscriptions

Table 11. Server Push Subscriptions Properties
Property Name Description
appID Unique Bluemix application identifier
clientID Unique client identifier
deviceAppName Name of the MobileFirst application
deviceAppVersion Version of the MobileFirst application
deviceID Unique device identifier
deviceModel Device model name. For example: iOSiPhone3,3, AndroidGalaxy
deviceOS Device environment. For example: iOSiPhone, AndroidAndroid
deviceOSversion Device operating system version. For example: 7.0
sessionID Unique session identifier
timestamp Time the event was reported, represented as epoch time stamp in milliseconds
timezone The difference between UTC and local time, in minutes
userID Unique user identifier