Operational analytics

The operational analytics feature enables searching across apps, services, devices, and other sources to collect data about usage or detect problems. The operational analytics platform collects data about applications, adapters, devices, and logs to give a high-level view of the client interaction with the MobileFirst Server and to enable problem detection.

IBM MobileFirst™ Platform Foundation includes a scalable operational analytics feature that is accessible from the MobileFirst Operations Console. The analytics feature enables enterprises to search across logs and events that are collected from devices, apps, and servers for patterns, problems, and platform usage statistics.

The data for operational analytics includes the following sources:
  • Interactions of any app-to-server activity (anything that is supported by the MobileFirst client/server protocol, including push notification).
  • Client-side logs and crashes.
  • Server-side logs that are captured in traditional MobileFirst log files.
The data for operational analytics includes the following sources:
  • Crash events of an application on iOS and Android devices (crash events for native code and JavaScript errors).
  • Interactions of any application-to-server activity (anything that is supported by the MobileFirst client/server protocol, including push notification).
  • Server-side logs that are captured in traditional MobileFirst log files.
The operational analytics feature is accessible from the MobileFirst Operations Console and includes the following capabilities:
  • Near real-time analytics for client activity with the MobileFirst Server.
  • Analytics for adapter hits.
  • Network latency analytics.
  • Client log search and download.
  • Server log search and download.
  • Crash and stack trace search.

All data collected by the analytics platform can be visualized through the Operational Analytics console. The console also provides the ability to create custom charts based on data collected by the analytics platform. In addition to an at-a-glance view of your mobile and web application analytics, the analytics feature includes the capability to perform a raw search against server and client logs, captured client crash data, and any extra data you explicitly provide through client and server API function calls that feed into the IBM MobileFirst Platform Operational Analytics.