Manually configuring BIRT Reports for your application server

To use BIRT reports, you must update them with your web application server settings.

About this task

Note: The predefined BIRT reports and the Reports database and associated tables such as APP_ACTIVITY_REPORT are deprecated in IBM MobileFirst™ Platform Foundation V7.1.0. Use Operational analytics instead. Note that setting up the Reports database is optional in this release and earlier releases.

Before using the BIRT Viewer application to see predefined reports, you must edit them to adjust the reports database settings, and then copy the reports to a specific folder on the application server.


  1. Go to your IBM MobileFirst Platform Server installation folder created by the IBM® Installation Manager.
  2. Locate the \report-templates\ folder, which contains a set of .rptdesign files.
  3. Copy all of the files with the .rptdesign extension from the \report-templates\ folder to your server web applications folder.
  4. Edit each .rptdesign file as needed and adjust the <data-sources> element with the properties of your reports database.
      <oda-data-source extensionID="" ...>
        <list-property name="privateDriverProperties">
        <property name="odaDriverClass">WLREPORT_DRIVER_CLASS</property>
        <property name="odaURL">WLREPORT_JDBC_URI</property>
        <property name="odaUser">WLREPORT_DBUSERNAME</property>
        <encrypted-property name="odaPassword" encryptionID="base64">
  5. Make sure that BIRT Viewer application is installed and running on your application server
  6. To view or edit a BIRT Report, go to the path http://your-server/birt/frameset?__report=[report name].rptdesign., where [report name].rtpdesign represents one of the following files:
    • report_active_users.rptdesign
    • report_daily_hits.rptdesign
    • report_daily_visits.rptdesign
    • report_environment_usage.rptdesign
    • report_license_total_device_count.rptdesign
    • report_new_devices.rptdesign
    • report_notification_messages_per_day.rptdesign
    • report_notification_messages_per_source.rptdesign